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Unpopular opinion: I do not support boiling nigger kids alive like lobsters. Sorry I just can't get on board with that, just not gonna do it.

I'm sure BLM will be there soon to demonstrate their outrage at losing another precious black life.

How do you even boil a kid in a bath? Bathwater doesn't get that hot. I remember being a kid and turning the heat on my bath all the way hot and I was fine.

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well that's raycist

People here think blacks are bad because of some statistics than unironically think this is funny.

Fuck you.

Don't you wi-ii-iiish to boil me~
I'll go from black to red
And the lyft ride's here at last
To dispose of my 4 year old

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We were in the ghetto
Everybody had matching weaves

how did they convince a lyft driver to fucking hide the body??

Was wondering this too

Probably a hideously slow death.

It seems like an energy wasteful way to do it, I agree.

You can make it hotter at the hot water heater, but I also wouldn't be surprised if theirs was broken and they were filling the bath with water heated on the stove.

Lesbian niggers confirmed

fucking retards who is this possible also when ever someone tells me nigger birth rates will go up because of roe vs wade this is what I cite negress will always kill their kid their retarded

Niggers are intolerable pieces of shit and I want them exterminated.

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the fuck

why are they lesbians truly so abusive and curel

> I remember being a kid and turning the heat on my bath all the way hot and I was fine.
That’s because your water heater was set on a low setting. If you turn it up to the highest temperature it will burn you.

As OP knows, this is a fairly common thing with nogs for some reason-- putting your sprog in boiling water as punishment. Old racist internet forums used to have whole sub forums dedicated to these ghetto lobster stories.

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Lesbians hate boys

Lol. Lmao, as well.

They were more concerned about Child Protective Services taking their virtue signaling device away. They had prior run-ins.

>called Lyft for body disposal

Looks like somebody doesnt want to save western civilization

Imagine being forced to live surrounded by these animals.

>hot water heater
Do you call an air conditioning system a "cold air cooler?" Kys idiot.

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Brenda's got a lobster!

Not unpopular. I would boil his mother instead.

They look like they boil little boys alive.

Your retarded if you think this happens enough to negate their fertility rate.

my favorite meal, I only wish some day I can prepare it myself
I have so many good ideas for garnishes and variations

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Don't care.

1. It's a nigger, so niggerism is involved.
2. I don't even care that it is an aformentioned nigger and thus naturally having fucked up tendencies.
3. The mother of the kid should be shot at 200M with an m82a1
4. Fuck niggers.
5. Fuck anybody who could brutalize a child, let alone their own child.
6. Fuck kikes.

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Remember little niggers, never shit your pants unless you want your mommies to boil your skin off and stuff you in a trashbag, then throw your steaming corpse in a fucking dumpster across town.

Million of Jews cum at this kind of news

we're still around faggit

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