Should parents charge their kids rent...

Should parents charge their kids rent? I can't save any fucking money cause I have to pay $600/month and don't even have a kitchen/proper hot water

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only if you dont love your child

You should kill her

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no they're boomer kikes screwing you because the kikes on TV and in the office told hem to

you think kikes charge their own? they give them all kinds of shit, cars, jobs, real estate, so long as they go along with the plan they're rewarded

but our parents sold us out completely

assuming your not a bot shill glownigger

Once you hit 18 you are a fucking adult. You can start working at 14.
Call the fucking police because you are trespassing sir.

No. Once they die, and let's face it most parents die before their children do, you will only get part of it back, because daddy government taxes inheritance.
You want money to stay in the family and not in daddy government's filthy jewish hands.


I literally bullied my mother into waiving it. I withheld my love as a son and it worked. Now she lives in her room and if she comes out I call her fat and ugly until she goes back in. I make her give me $60 a week to live here as an apology for failing me as a mother.

T. Sounds like a larp but I'm ironically serious . Fuck her boomer ass

Parents shouldn't charge their kids rent, and kids shouldn't burden them and try to leave the next as soon as reasonably possible. Neither party will uphold this unspoken bargain because usually both parties are selfish narcissists who can't reason more than 6 months out on a time horizon.

Wrong. You're a nigger

I'm getting nothing back. No inheritance. Nothing. When my parents die they'll leave me with nothing. My father almost O.D. on a secret heroin addiction and I've been paying him $600/month. He would have died and left me with nothing just like that.

No, they should give more at the coming of age. To do anything else is to hold them back.
I know a man who owned 4 houses, he spent 20 years aquiring them. His kids came of age and he begrudgingly got them a $1500 car. His wife divorced him and bought them $8000 cars. I told him "wow i cant believe you spent a million dollars on this shitbox just so your son could have the shittiest car of his peers"

Unironically based. You should treat her even worse desu.

Sounds like you have shit parents
They must be awful with finance

Charging your kids rent is the exact inverse of the natural order of things. A parent should do their best to ensure their child prospers more than they did. The reversion pushed by boomers etc where kids pay their parents is ensuring the parents continue to live better than their children. Charging them rent isn't pushing them out of the house "for their own good" or anything, it's fattening your bank account and continuing your lifestyle of having the whole world handed to you.

Obviously there are lines. You don't help your kid fund his drug addiction or let him spend his entire salary on booze while he stays at home. There's a difference between funding a pure parasite and helping your kid who can't afford to live on their own, which is a challenge anymore. There is always an unfortunate point when you need to cut someone off. This not the circumstances of most parents charging rent though. Their circumstances usually being bastards who will then turn around and ask for home care and drives to the doctor in their old age without a bit of shame and act shocked you wouldn't do that after "all the time they spent raising you."

I lived with my parents for years because why not and they took every cent I made working those years because I was paying all the bills and even paying their property taxes for them and they still managed to fuck up their finances, rack up massive debts, and then threw me out for the lols and I still had nothing after working all those years. I should burned the house down with them in it DESU.

the boomers are literally all vaxxed, goodbye assholes

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If the kid is working and can afford it, it's okay to ask them to chip in a bit for bills, because electricity is expensive, but they should be doing that voluntarily to help the family. Charging them rent is just money grubbing Jewish bullshit. If your kids don't desire to help the family where possible (without hurting their own chances of success) then you've raised them wrong. Parents charging their kids rent is especially fucked up if the parents own the house.

it works like this, the kike has turned the boomers into one of them, they literally eat us alive just like the jews and screech how were not working hard enough.
the tv did this to them, its literally like having a jew inside your living room constantly preaching the end of the white race.

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no its bullshit, we have to fight millionaires and billionaires in the dating market, why you fuktarded morons want to take our money away.

It's not my call. My guys are solid.

you nasty evil boomers sit there and scheme all day how to fuk over your own, worthless pieces of shit

You should thank your parents for such a bargain. I'd love paying anything less than $1200/mo.

count these shekels rabbi and get your booster