Hey any computer programmers in here?

Hey any computer programmers in here?
I just learned a little bit of python and wrote a nice program to calculate the number of jews who's remains were found and determines whether or not they got holocausted.
How does it look?

Attached: jew calculator.png (734x162, 15.68K)

do it in Haskell now

Good. But you should make it so that when it finishes running the total gets increased by 1.
6 million and 1 jews.
6 gorrilion and 2 jews.


Based coder

I second that kek

what a stupid way of doing that. there was no need for an array here. have fun with your bloated code.

you're just jealous that I disproved the holocaust in such a short program. I'm based. You're not. Cry about it!

Why is num_jews a list and not a int? It would be more efficient

go back to udemy bloatlet

for every jew that the program counts it adds jew # whatever to the list of jews who did not die

I don't even know what that means, but I like laughing at gatekeeping nerds on pol who have never had fun in their lives

Nigger language. Do it in Assembly.

Now rewrite it using map(). LOL

>not writing in machine code

Attached: 1644056906244.jpg (387x309, 13.43K)

You didn't write this, because you didn't use f-strings, so this is really old.
Today, OP was a faggot.

>appending to the int
>using the length of an int

Neat, but you should have used Fortran.

Attached: fortran1.jpg (469x600, 39.36K)

Attached: 26 million oy veys.jpg (1215x524, 96.5K)

Num_jews = 0
for i in 6 million:
>num_jew += 1
This has to be bait

Basically instead of counting with one number he kept track of every number while counting the Jews. Huge waste of memory and way slower due to managing that. Pretty funny tho

why do you need the num_jews list if it's always going to print 6000000? also you have 6000001 printlines lmao

Attached: IMG_3292.png (494x561, 371.97K)

he was talking about using an int and incrementing it every iteration since op doesn't do anything with the array other than read it's length. you would have know this if you weren't a javascript pajeet codenigger.

Probably is

I third this kek

Attached: jjjyyb.png (1185x934, 534.13K)


Attached: 513544.jpg (896x994, 83.4K)

What a waste of memory. A list of 6M integers just to tell 6M.

nimchads rise up

I second that and it would actually be easy, even for a newbie

here i fixed it. i still dont get what the point of this is

Attached: Untitled.png (1368x202, 83.4K)

This is the most retarded program I've read in a while. It isn't even the content of the program. A competent programmer could make this joke in code and I'd laugh. This is just shitty code. Why do you have an array of numbers 1 ... 6,000,000 and you are only taking the len of it. Its dumb. There is no reason for a list.

Stop being a codelet

I have been learning programming little by little the last few years, but it is hard to come up with ideas for projects. I have automated a few tasks at work.

I really wish I had some buddies who are interested in this kind of stuff so that we can learn and work on projects together. My goal is eventually to change careers, but I don’t want to work for someone else, I want to start my own business.

because every jew had a number, and they were all on a list. dumbass

OP is on to something

Attached: 93A73850-E698-4FD1-A56E-CC3DDDB502DF.jpg (720x528, 39.1K)

Maybe that's the joke

Garbage. Do a simulation using machine learning, neural network sort of shit. Basically, run trial tests of the likelyness of running those ovens 24/7 in the span of a couple years to compute the probability. Use the amount of ovens as the variables, also the amount of fuel needed to run it. I'm sure, it'd be impossible.

corpse_burn_time_min = 120
jews = 6000000
total_jew_burn_time = jews * corpse_burn_time_min

ovens = ???
burn_capacity = 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * ???

A shitty code jew joke? Makes no sense. It isn't even funny shitty code. There is a way to write shitty code and make it funny. OPs code is sin