Right wing problem:

Is a lack of soft power in politics.
There are rare to none right wing musical projects wich would spread the right-wing messege.
There is the same problem with movies, there are movies embracing diversity and "capitalism bad" attitudes related stuff, but no movies embracing traditional family or idea of law and order.
There are left wing modes for big games such HOI4: TNO and Follout: Frontier, there is no right-wing equivalent.

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There is plenty of right wing media but it all gets supressed. Look at Mel Gibson for example

No, actually, there is right-wing content, it's just banned everywhere.

But no problem we learn to kids how to chop your dick nowadays

Such is life in the niggerjewocracy


and very true, left wing media gets pushed on top and shoved down the throat of everyone, to find right wing media you need to actually look for it.

Okay, but why can't Any Forums right-wing piece of art?

Oh, that's fits...

None of those would be allowed in public, there's a reason why right wing content thrives in online, but not on big platforms.

most alt-right types are viewed as angry, skilless, autistic incels. Good luck changing that image when it's basically true.

The 20th Century Star Treks are basically white supremacy.
They are also basically liberal hegemony.
Funny, that.

Also, Starship Troopers is excellent.

"Alt-rights" are just "leavemealoneist" sad teenagers who dislike white man shaming, at least most of them.

Wasn't that supposed to be a parody?

it's a failure as a parody

Intented as one through...

Now im being real here, tradition, morality, conservatism, patriotism, its all going down the tubes, there wont be any "conserving" in any official sense. All the hallmarks of the "right" will just simply vanish from public life.

My advice, keep it quiet, keep it to yourself, don't expect the world to understand. I'm not trying to deter you from loving these things, i love them too, but this is what i've learned from those who've seen the horizon.

This is why we are currently losing ground to rootless utilitarian cosmopolitians

The problem is nobody is going to be able to stop them, not even talking about it here is going to do anything so it's pretty much a waste of breath.

I wish i wasn't so confident in that fact but IT WILL go, it's like a wellspring filling up a lake you cant stop it. You just have to adjust to what happens. All this stuff can only exist in our hearts, stop trying to win back a dead cultural space.

Leftist always love in the end tho

>lose in the end

i want to fight these people but weve got to have a cause we can nail to the wall and rally the troops to.