They turn on the 5G towers to kill off the vaxxies, and it looks like boils before they die...

They turn on the 5G towers to kill off the vaxxies, and it looks like boils before they die. The media slides with Monkey Pox.

Attached: 2BBBCDD3-6E1C-476F-A8BE-8B5C0DA6EF13.jpg (453x604, 16.52K)

5g is only dangerous because it enables the wireless transfer of enough data to make security biometrics a real capability of government and companies. Covid is a modified flu virus. The vaccine is placebo water.

Yup, Wuhan turned on 5G at the 60GHz suffocation frequency and then ((covid)) shot up. Whatever, I look forward to the friedG vaxxie kill off.

Attached: covid19variantsvs5gmodes.png (1517x692, 713.41K)

Enough poisoning the well glownigger

>enough data
You don't need 300GHz to pass security documents around you retarded shill.

Attached: deltatower.jpg (2608x1917, 614.5K)

>doesn’t know what security biometrics are
I’ll explain. You ever seen minority report? You know how on the subway and in the stores and on the sidewalk they have security cameras with eye scanners? You ever seen the anime psycho pass? That’s where we are going. That’s what 5g enables.

Yes. I know it enables surveillance, but it also enables carcinogenic radiation that leads to horrible symptoms. Whether that was by design or not, it still uses the same millimeter wave technology as an active denial weapon. You gonna refute Frank Clegg personally?

Attached: 5gsymptoms.png (573x653, 459.41K)

So basically security biometrics are cameras that can see your eyes, your heart rate, and when you last took a shit, while wirelessly and instantly transferring all the data on your condition to a central security agency like the NSA or DHS

The Baroness was always hot as fuck!

orgone disruptors do more tan just disrupt orgone.

I’m sure it can be “weaponized” but that’s a crude use of the technology. It’s much more powerful used the way I described. You can just shoot someone with a gun if you want to kill them lol. Why make an expensive wave laser? Lmfao seems pointless.

I wish I could find an HD version, fellow coomer.

>You can just shoot someone with a gun if you want to kill them lol.
Bullet wounds leave traces. EMF sensitivity and COVID have the same symptoms.

Attached: RFholocaust.png (2275x684, 2.26M)

>bullet wounds leave traces
So? You think the government cares? You committed suicide. You act as if the government couldn’t kill people clandestinely before making 5g lasers lmao

Oh no they definitely had all the tech before even in the 70s, but this is just another step in the technocratic direction. We can both agree on it having insane surveillance capabilities, but it has weaponized functions too.

I'm unvaxxed with natural immunity. The building put up a 5g tower 1 unit away from my place. Afterwards I developed 2 poxes (not unlike the current thing) which I eventually got rid of.
Is this normal?

It’s a psyop. I know your life is boring and it’s fun to imagine this stuff but it’s not reasonable and it makes people think your crazy man.

x12 the safe amount of RF in mW/m2 is not a psy-op dude. I'm spoon-feeding you all the information dude.

Attached: harmfulRF.png (808x446, 584.93K)

Let me fix that for you, faggot:
- 5G implementations are dangerously radioactive (and nobody gives a shit about safety standards) and will result in increased cancers all around the world
- Covid is a fake virus & viruses do not exist, nor have they ever been proven to exist using any immunologic basic method
- The vaxx is a heavy metals and mrna toxic bioweapon designed to kill or maim people during a 1-10 years period (depending on the immune response of the target & what percentage of the unagitated vial liquid the target received)
Eat shit and die, shill

What’s the point of releasing large amounts of unsafe RF? What is the plan? To just kill people? It doesn’t make sense man it’s just a side effect of our advances that most people don’t know about and so safety is ignored.

>calls me a shill
Classic. Just don’t even bother next time man.