Dave Chappelle being attacked by trannies again

They’re saying he told a bunch of transphobic jokes at a standup

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by who?

this tranny

Attached: 60E11E73-D23F-46D5-871F-2BCFE05D74A1.jpg (828x1378, 292.98K)

However turns out the tranny was lying.
Dave only told 1 ‘transphobic’ joke and it was about the knife identifying as a gun

Attached: 69D82D5A-5580-4475-A69A-F67DB308291F.jpg (701x803, 136.91K)

Mulaney claims Nick Kroll converted him from Catholicism to Judaism. He’s actually worse than Nick Kroll imo.

I know its been said before, but that nigga aint Chapelle


Are we still catering to this mentally ill freaks?

Kroll's dad has a private security company in Jew York full of mossad agents. They were connected to 9/11 somehow but I can't remember how.

why would chappelle open for this nobody? he's like 1000x more famous

dave showed up cause it was near his hometown and John probably came at the thought of having any sort of connection to him. If I was famous and rich, I would definitely do shit like this, it'd be fun.

why have we reached the point where anyone gives any credence to what these mentally ill narcissists say? 19k likes for some fat psycho who would've been in an asylum 50 years ago

true that is pretty funny that he just bashed on trannies probably knowing the audience is a bunch of normies


So proud of my fellow Buckeyes

>I should be allowed to say whatever I want and fuck your kids
>nooooo, you can’t call me a man
Why are troons like this?

Based retard nigger

Is that actually reggie?

isn't mulaney dating olivia mund?
she sort of hit the wall but still looks decent

Chapelles alright for today

the best thing that can happen to comedians these days, is to get "cancelled"
then they can stop giving a fuck about anybody's opinion and go back to making comedy
Louis CK leading the fucking pack on that one

>joke about anything and everyone you want
>but not us because those jokes mean they want is dead

Why do they have to lie

she fucked her face all up with surgery but I'm proud he left his jew wife for her

No video, and this guy's a faggot, but the texts are lol.

Is Louis CK actually doing anything these days?
I haven't heard of him since he got canceled. Not a single soul even makes interracial breeding grounds jokes anymore

Her username is literally testosteronejew lol, these people are supposed to be taken seriously?


I honestly can't tell the difference between him and Bill Burr.

he's releasing specials on his own, on his website. still selling out crowds.

This is an extremely long read but gives you the background for whonis pushing all this tranny shit
TL;DR is rich trannies and faggots and trannyfaggot organizations


ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DEMOLISHED (by some literally whos on twitter)

his super power is angering trannies. He breathes and it is transphobia to them. That's amazing. That's a level of control on people that dictators aspire to.