Florida or Texas?

Asking here because this board shares most of my views

Black user here. I’m interviewing for a few remote roles(tech), and this company paying around $90k/yr likes me a lot. I currently live in the Midwest, and I want to escape the weather and the Jewry that comes with the mid-west.

I’m seriously considering the Tampa area, with Texas(namely Austin, Dallas, and Houston). I know a lot of black people who have moved to Texas, but can’t think of any who moved to Florida. I only have black friends if that matters, but I’m open to white friends.

I don’t want to move to St Petersburg, FL and find it’s nothing but old people (I’m under 25). I’m ok with a few old people, but I want to cool area to live in.

Is Florida or Texas the better place to move to? I will be pissed if I move to Texas and it turns blue as soon as I get there

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you aren't one of those black israelites are you?

go to Atlanta, Baltimore, or Chicago

try liberia you nigger

Tampa/Saint Pete are bigger infested shitholes, you’ll do great out there.

I’ve never made more that $20/hr before, so I know I’ll be able to live cheaply on $90k(assuming I get that job). I hate to jinx myself by talking about I job I don’t have yet, but I need to get the hell out of this state ASAP! I need a plan in place now.

Don't come here unless you support the local politics.

what the fuck ? your hand is black

aussie mad lad beat me to it

Somewhere in Africa would be good nigger.

Listen, mate, don't be alarmed but your hand is fucking black as shit. You may need a doctor to check it out.

show opposable thumb

Just move to Florida

if you can work remote why aren’t you moving to a third world country so you can live like a kang n sheeeeit?

Wasn't it Texas the state that didn't charge income taxes?
Not sure how it works, if you would be charged based on where you live, or where your company is based at, since you are going to work remote.

If you decide Florida move to Liberty City, Miami. You’ll fit right in.

you have no idea the disgust I feel whenever I see a nigger around here.
yet most are african niggers so its fine, very little american monglers come around

It’s funny you asked that…

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>research cost of living in those areas
not just about how much you make

user idk. Texas is more likely to secede from globoshlomo unless 50million migrants decide to move their and vote for gibs. It isn't even that they'd do that, that would be the problem however.

Every old person in America essentially voted themselves infinite gibs on the basis that they're "too old to work". It bogs productivity down so much it's ridiculous to spend as much as we already do on military and then even think of giving foreign aid and gibs out to any libshit voter that asks for it.

I believe one day we all will choose a state to reside, where we're allowed to be free. If it had to be any state iI'd choose texas. it's too valuable. It'd be too valuable to give it away freely to the libshit voters, so eventually I hope we all reside there.

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stay off of aus/pol/ it is infested with ASIO . you do not have the freedoms of america either.

Texas unironically

Found the Jew.

i’ll paypal you the costs of moving if you go to the whitest place in the US and start BBCing their daughters

If you are not a nigger and just want to get out of the degeneracy why don't buy some rural land? In the cities only live degenerates

You're moving for a remote job? OP, you might be a nigger.

If you become a black bro, embrace hillbilly culture, have white friends, buy a big truck and some guns, you'll do fine in either place. If you only want to hang out with black people, you're in mortal danger wherever you live.

You're not rh negative so you larp

It doesn't matter where you go, you are the problem.

Kill yourself. Do us all a favor and hang yourself you worthless fuck.

Fucking kike.

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How do I say "Fuck these gypsy rats" in Hungarian?