What do you call this manoeuvre?

what do you call this manoeuvre?

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fucking smart

Tactical retreat and reinforcement

>what do you call this manoeuvre?
Communism failing in real-time.

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maneuver warfare

Orderly retreat.

thrown vodka bottle maneuver.
expensive as a bottle of vodka, your enemy will try to catch said vodka. vodka is gone and he stares at the broken glass and the heartbreak of wasted vodka. he is confused. sad. busy.

>Tactical retreat
>maneuver warfare

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the : reduce your huge frontline manovrue before you get fucked. that frontline was unstustainable with 150k soldiers. it was like 10 soldier per km of frontline if i recall correctly.

You do realize Russia hasn't gone berserk yet?
If they wanted to, they could totally flatten Ukraine and take it, in fact, that's what the US would've probably done.
I salute them even if they "lose", very big display of honor and It truly shows the diference between a historically established nations and the niggers beyond the Atlantic.
Sit back in your irrelevant nigger/pajeet smelling island and stfu, keep sucking your former colony's dick.

look it up retard, before you talk shit, fucking pol brainlet, this isnt hoi4

>Tactical retreat
yes, tactically freeing up the ukrainian forces around kiev to go reinforce the eastern front before you've even begun your eastern offensive.

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You can infer that the part that remains is the part that matters, just as all the well informed and honest seeming anons were saying all along.

That part is captured.

The other parts have been warned.

It was not a fient as copers like to try and say you dont get hundreds of your own people killed and lost equipment as a distraction that’s retarded you would just maneuver your forces in that direction without throwing them into a slaughter that would achieve the same affect, Putin probably thought the Ukrainians would just fold and not actually fight back like in Afghanistan however if Putin actually wanted Kiev now he could easily take it but he’s not dumb enough to deploy his entire military to ukraine

Two more weeks and then Putin will take his gloves off!

>if Putin actually wanted Kiev now he could easily take it

The one where you dont get what you want , but you get what you need

Muricans moving onto different things.

Certainly not losing I don't call Ukraine losing land that even Jewlinsky has admitted they can't get back exactly winning.

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>a country with 10x as many troops and equipment can’t take its smaller neighbor
He could do it but it wouldn’t be worth it, he’d just inherited Afghanistan 3.0 and compromised his military forces against a fight against NATO as well as whatever insane economical backlash followed

they are doing everything as planed, here is a very simple video of what their strategy is

north was always the bait, the south is what russia is after, now how will they fuck ukraine in donbass i dont know


Russia showing you that all they wanted was a land connection to Crimea.

Yes he may even do Israeli/American style air strikes, you know, the ones where hundreds of civilians get cooked alive in weddings, yet somehow the news say It was "surgical".
I hope all American continent niggers die, classless,honorless beings that view war as aesthetic. To niggers like you, this invasion shouldve been a vain display of power, raking in hundreds of thousands of casualties with Russia taking the country in a month.
It truly shocks and disturbs the American species, that maybe Putin honestly wants the place as intact as possible.

>>a country with 10x as many troops
where are you getting this from?

BTFOing Ukraine

the communist suicide

russian roulette


>north was always the bait, t
bait for what?
you retreated from the north before you had even begun the offensive in the east.

banana feint

The "they will surrender quickly if we mass on all fronts! Fuck that did not work, regroup on a unified front".
They sent in less than 10% of their troops, but failed to get into their thick skulls that Ukraine is given intelligence from both the UK and the US. The Kiev area had more than 3x the number of soldiers that were dug in all over the most important areas.

1. According to UN conventions even if they would have won the territory they cannot legally occupy according to international law.
2. No that was not the original plan.
3. They are losing and there is nothing Putzin or you can do about it.
4. if the nukillar option is used (what I do not believe, the entire world will take a shot at Putzin and Japan will get their Kurila islands, China their disputed territories, Mongolia their too, and so on and so forth, Russia will become Siberia, ironically enough.

So hope some day you come to yopur senses.