
Why were millennials so easily brainwashed by jewish leftist propaganda?
8 out of 10 millennails are some form of leftist retard

Attached: millennials.png (626x364, 291.48K)

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because we were raised by screens and not our parents

Boomers overprotected them, creating weak people

I hate millenials with a passion. Im the last of the millenials.
>t. Born in 94

gen X/boomers raised them for the most part, who fell for jew leftist propaganda the hardest.

>it's a Gen x shit posting thread
Why are Gen x so jealous?

my dad is a narcissist, my mom and he split when i was one, i was shared between two households my mom died of a coke overdose. i started adulthood with massive handicaps

>millennial photo
>always some fags in some sort of hipster city center
I know nobody like this.

digital platform dominance by the left allowed them to spread their lies and filth while banning all opposition

/thread. There is nothing else to say about it. If you have kids, don't let them fall prey to the same addiction. Keep them away from screens as much as possible.

america was pure european white for the most part before ww2, then jews flooded america after the war, the veterans married them, birthed a kike european mutt "white" race, and after that it just keeps going downhill

This is actually the complete opposite, and that's partly why your time is up filthy rat.

Attached: 0lqipx06dwd51.jpg (720x720, 139.49K)

Same, but from the earlier '83 batch. Zoom zooms are even worse somehow though.

theyre the most kike blooded generation ever

Technology. They created the Internet exactly how they wanted it and now we're seeing the results.

10 years from now millenials will begin entering their 50s. What the fuck.


Most Millennials were born from first Gen, X'rs.
Not Boomers

Based response. Although our boomer parents were also raised on screens. Especially pro jewish propaganda in cinemas.

Because being a modern leftist allows people to act selfishly yet feel righteous and altruistic. To bully others yet claim to be a victim. It's the ultimate contradiction.

yeah, without ever having had real careers, thanks boomers

so in other words, millennials learned how to act jewish.

becase wokeness in the 80s/90/ was really well done, i mean we had michael jackson or the fresh prince, the black idol is as nelson mandela and not ‘i cant breath’ criminal, the multiracial show was actually based and it really added value, at least in the USA. Thats completely different to the forced and hatedul wokeness of today based on hating the white boy. Two completely different ways of trying to do the same, one i think was more organic and then it was kidnapped by jews to introduce their poison. Peace and solidarity is the enemy number one of the kike.

Im gonna resume it, american black idols were positive back in the 80s, 90s (mandela, michael jordan, michael jackson, etc). Black roles were constructive. The first victims of nigger culture are niggers. There was a time niggers were simply black people trying to be their bests.

>without having real careers
This one fucking sucks. Obviously a number of millenials managed to land a career with a normal path of promotions, but most millenials really didn't.
>start off in entry level job
>recession hits
>stay at entry level or get locked out of job market because they want 3 years experience for entry level jobs
>if you have a job there is very little room for advancement because there's already gen X waiting for boomers to finally retire, and X is holding on to any jobs that don't suck and would be in line for a promotion

6 years ago I finally started a small business because I figure if I'm going to have to fight and claw my way upward at any company, I may as well fight and claw for myself in my own business. Best decision I ever made

This. Wisdom comes through suffering. Turn to Christ in humble trust like saint Edith Stein

Attached: Edith.jpg (720x713, 90.29K)

It's large scale low tier demonic possession

Attached: Malachi Martin .jpg (718x828, 184.81K)

> Should have mutilated their dick seven days after they were born bro

I'm kl bro, rather be anything else.

We hold 5% of the wealth while boomers hold 53%. Boomers entered a perfect system and used it all up, it’s no wonder that many millennials go commie, we’re desperate.

Is that a statistical fact?

There is no one to maintain their legacy, they have absolutely see everything they lived for crumble within their lifetimes unless cancer relieves them sooner.

Because the wealth and prosperity that was promised by deregulating markets has failed to materialize. The excuse for capitalist apologists is the prosperity lies just beyond another tax cut, another repeal of regulation. As a former libertarian, I see that it was all a lie.