
They eternally clamp, vaccinarte, and circumcise. Everything that can be clamped, will be clamped. Everything that hs been clamped, will be clamped progressive more until it has been clamped out of existence, or to its ground state, its most base and compressed form of being.

Attached: clamp_r.jpg (890x700, 601.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_College)/Iron_Storage:_Ferritin|umbilical|umbilical[Products][Products] blood&sort=relevancy&f:contentTypeFacetATCC=[Products][Products]

Based schizo. Don’t vaccinate, circumcise or publicly educate your children.

Public school is just to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator and completely waste the most plastic stage of brain development with garbage and compliance. At best, an unclamped child will learn how to engage with and herd inferior beings chasing shadows on the cave wall.

Attached: Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg (1494x1672, 643.72K)

>tfw cut, clamped, and injected

Attached: 1640238150102.jpg (730x557, 47.99K)

>wait for the cord to stop
How long does that take, does anyone know? How much of a hurry are they in, anyway?

Circumclampinated, for short. Circumclampifluoraccimirradiciminated if we're trying to be precise.

There is a better question, why introduce a time element in the first place? It's so you can establish the concepts of "early" and "delayed" clamping and then manipulate those parameters by defining them in terms of time. In reality the two concepts are "done" and "not done". If you interrupt placental transfusion, ie clamp the cord before what is described in the pic, it is not done. It can take up to 5 minutes, and to an extent depends on gravity after a certain point, so holding the infant below the placenta will speed it up

They're just dumb narcissistic golem brainwashed by psychopaths. I can only guess what stupid shit is poured into the empty vessel that is their mind, and is sloshing around to produce their "higher behavior".

Attached: kill them all.png (1713x1032, 295.95K)

My prior (more informative) OP.

They have been clamping our umbilical cords early since as early as the 1950's. This is what it means to clamp (ie prevent placental transfusion), the effects, and why they do it.

First off, to dispel all the "they don't do that!", yes, they do still clamp the umbilical cord early. The problem has not been formally nor informally solved.

These are the effects.
Significant reduction in brain myelination:
At 4 months:
And 12 months:

Boys have lower fine motor and social scores at 4 years old.

Virginia Apgar's "Apgar score" encouraged clamping immediately after delivery.

A review of placental transfusion:

Role of ferritin (iron stores) in free radical defense and early neurodevelopment's_College)/Iron_Storage:_Ferritin|umbilical|umbilical

The cord blood, placenta, and foreskin is parsed out and sold for exorbitant sums.[Products][Products] blood&sort=relevancy&f:contentTypeFacetATCC=[Products][Products]

Attached: CVC.png (2472x1289, 1.71M)

>There is a better question, why introduce a time element in the first place?
Also they'll say it's so you can weigh clamping vs risk of not rendering aid or whatever in the case of complications (due to some other stupid shit they did, like the epidural given to the mother leaching out into circulation and then into the infant) or premature birth. It's all nonsense, in reality it goes back to this "Polish" broad who's father was a prominent Freemason.

Attached: apgar.jpg (597x800, 57.19K)

goddamn we were fucked from birth. this is some interdimensional levels of evil God help us

Yes, it really is incredible to realize quite literally everything in life has been infiltrated and weaponized.

Hep B shot given at 12 hours old. Permanent behavioral changes seen in rats.

Attached: Safe and Effective.png (2385x928, 197.81K)

And on the helpful effect of the "enriched environment".... hmmm, what does that remind me of? Oh, I know!

Attached: jhgjhgjhg.png (784x765, 69.75K)

Mice rather.

so forcing kids into public schools sitting under artificial light all day being lectured at by an obese union member is all part of "de-enriching" their early environments to make them dullards

Yes. You should starve their mind of meaningful, useful, and fulfilling stimulation as much as possible. And if their little minds can't handle it, thell them they are a bad and defective objective and put them on pills until they're a good and functional object. Have Tablet iMother and MKULTRA weird as fuck cartoons raise them from infancy, don't read to them, don't teach them to write (can be realistically acquired 2-4 years old), don't breastfeed until 2 and a half, dump them off in State funded and controlled daycare facilities or "preschool" to turn into good little golem.

Also of course, they should be put under fluorescent lights which emit RF or LEDs that literally cause retinal damage and neurodegeneration from excessive blue light stimulation.

>they are a bad and defective objective
bad and defective object*

they really did think of everything, though i guess in order to create an automated mind control system you need to set it up to maximize the chances that you only produce good little goy cattle instead of powerful and brilliant people to challenge the evil

It was a very popular topic in the 50's in both the USSR and US. Go to the CIA archives (or the mirror on and search "cybernetics". This was a field they were interested in, following off Pavlov, Skinner, and all that. Watch "The Minds of Men" by Truthstream Media.

Also they were fixated on the permanent effects of trauma or deprivation keyed to certain developmental windows. All the way back to research with dogs in Sparta, iirc. Deprive them at a certain age, you can turn them forever meek and cowardly.

take your meds



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