Bill Maher salt thread

Troons are absolutely seething over Bill Maher and now want to give him the Dave Chappelle treatment. Video below is what jerked them off to no end.

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Good, liberal faggot deserves it

Stupid faggot grifting boomer comedian thinks he will rake in maga retards with his new pro conservative act and he is right because the red hat faglords will gulp it down with their gallons of Trump sperm and go onto reddit to post how based he is so they can own the liberals

Woah did you come up with those lines all by yourself?

Yeah he is a liberal, not a jew, right. Lol you dumb whore

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He's right. Indirectly, yet directly - this is why leftists are freaking about being labeled groomers. You take young impressionable kids and you form these ideas into their heads. Years later, they grow up and realize they can't get their penis back.

just your typical jewy control op; just like when after pretending he was against the iraq war for years, later he said meh wasnt so bad. the rubbing of hands continues

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i don't watch jewish media, sorry

>be bill Maher
>Work with Jon Stewart lebowitz to destroy Christianity and nationalism for an entire generation of kids.
>They grow up to be militant leftists
>Pikachu face.jpg

As always he's a decade late, all this lgbt shit is just the Anorexia/Ally Mcbeal fad all over again and ramped up to 11. Instead of girls starving themselves to fit in to the trend, they're lopping off their tits and taking hormones. Same reason, different action.

Those kids must have been very bright and strong with their convictions

kek I love these 90s liberals slowly realizing the hell they've been advocating for. Too little too late faggot, there's no pulling out of this tailspin.

>can't prove him wrong so xer wants to die


dude used to be a hard core liberal
Now he can be considered far right conservative

He's right. A tenfold increase in kids identifying as "LGBTQIA+" in about 8 years is an exponential upwards trend

Ask someone jewish that doesn’t “practice” the religion to just quit it then
You’ll get a hilarious response and backpedaling about how it’s both a race and religion, when clearly it isn’t a race since there were 12 tribes at the start, different races
It’s a cult
They’re all raised into it with some very few exceptions
Coincidentally those exceptions are never in any position of power

He’s another cult member that deserves a bullet
Just like all those faggots in eastern oregon years back, with their little Netflix special
Lol betcha a few “jews” were members

Nah, this is part of the larger phenomenon where the left is drifting in social matters to God knows where when the rest of us are wondering what’s going on.

5-6 years ago I would be considered a progressive in social issues, now I’m conservative.

Why is Vaush so obsessed with troons? How much longer before he gives in and transitions???

It’s not anyone’s fault but the attention whores that do it

>Vaush is upset his tranny pets are facing a small iota of scrutiny for being degenerate retards
No surprise.

It's called grooming

They are kids. They are impressionable. It is adults' duty to make sure they're instilled with the correct impressions. He made his bed.

Frankenstein's monster tearing him limb from limb.

he's the elite mouthpiece telling the fags to cool it down before us normies burn them all down like germany did in the 30s

He's always been critical of the woke left, this isn't some new act he's doing. In 2016 he warned that the tranny bathroom shit was going to help Trump by alienating normal people, then attributed Trump's victory in part to that as well as other far left social policies the democrats had pushed for. That's when liberals started to hate him. You don't remember that time when Ben Affleck threw a fit on his show over some disagreements about Islam?

Just like the Hitler Youth.

I suppose even a broken clock is occasionally correct.

Normie can't pay for daily expenses. Leftist will be wiped out when they join niggers in gibs protests.

when these kids grow up they are going to be very upset that society allowed them to chop off their own dicks. They were just children for christ sakes....

Imagine being this delusional. They're closer to burning you down and getting away with it stfu bitch.

I’d like to see him dragged from his home and strung up in the street by his neck but a broken clock is right twice a day.

how close are you to the 41%, troon?

>we will ALL BE GAY!


Hes right though, it is a trend. When i was a kid we were all wannabe ghetto thugs, punk with mohawks, goth, emo, and whatever else. Those all vanished now we have girls shaving their heads, dying their eyebrows blue and boys pretending to be faggots. Its just the cyclical nature of the new generations rebellious youth. As long as they dont go too far with surgeries and pills they should be able to do whatever they want within reason.

I wholeheartedly agree with you when it's an adult deciding to transition. A child on the other hand, is completely different. Maher is correct, kids are fucking dumb. They trust their parents and teachers to guide and lead them, and are rewarded with praise and admiration for doing the "correct" thing.

Well it's working since I subscribed to him. I don't care if he's grifting as long as I laugh.

How can one man be so based so as to say that it's wrong to chop your own son's dick off on national TV? This is about as based as it gets

>. As long as they dont go too far with surgeries and pills they should be able to do whatever they want within reason.
That's the issue with troonery, having retarded frosted tips in your hair for a summer doesn't leave permanent damage to the body the way lopping off your cock does.

Pic related, "StalkingCat", a man who had the world record for body modification because he wanted to be a tiger. He hanged himself in 2012. According to troons, he was a real tiger and not a man pretending to be one. If you want to mutilate yourself as an adult fine, you do you crazy man, but it's inexcusable to subject children to this shit.

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Yeah that's what progress means. 5-6 hours ago I wasn't as far as I am now. No shit. You really mean 5-6 years ago you found your edgelord sweet spot and planted there

no they won't. the rising generation does not expect society to curb their deviancy, and it won't even occur to the troons that they were failed by a system.. except for the oppressive patriarchal white-supremacist system they are programmed to blame for their shortcomings

what's your point?

Have you seen the man's girlfriend? They're an upgrade to having sex with the fermenting carcass of a hippopotamus that died of dysentery.

>made me want to jump off a cliff
Why is that always their first reaction to adversity and why don’t they actually do it?

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>Ben Affleck
You mean Ibn Al-Afflicki?

lol, she was salty because he was inb4 ok-boomer

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Teen subcultures always have two purposes. One is to give their followers a sense of freedom. Two is to cause outsiders to feel a certain way. Punks wanted outsiders to feel fear. Scene kids wanted outsiders to feel jealous. But I can't tell what emotion it is that "8x increase in lgbt identification in under a decade" kids want outsiders to feel. I personally feel revulsion and sadness but that can't be their intention. What do they intend?

he's right about Iraq at the time, nobody gets crystal ball and hindsight is for edgy teens online

You seem confused on what “progress” is. I don’t believe that turning penises into macabre vaginas is progress.

>10 years too late
Tell us, what's the future fad trend for 2030s?

Man you guys are stupid, sometimes..

Bill Maher for better or for worse is the most consistent voice in all of political media
Dont be pussys and make shit up because you dont like him, and hes a threat to your brand of retardation

There is nothing wrong woth classical liberals
Even guys like Peterson

Classical liberals believe in
-freedom of speech
-freedom from religion