A woman's life is much more valuable than a man's

A woman's life is much more valuable than a man's.

Men are by nature expendable. Even if 90% of men die, society will be restored in one generation. An example is Paraguay. This country lost 70-90% of the male population during the Paraguayan War.
The male population recovered in a couple of decades.

In nature, in all species, males are expendable.

One man can fertilize 10,000 women, one woman gives birth to 1 child every 9 months.

Therefore, at all times, women and children are the first. Men were left to meet fate.

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Sure but roasties don’t have babies so your point is moot

you don't need to cope post this much, just troon already

We will figure out how to genetically engineer and facilitate procreation without you. Then...whay are you worth.

the life of any woman up to 45 years is much more valuable than a man's the same age

This. 90% of women today arrived expendable. The only result of their premature death would be an overpopulation of cats and dogs

You will never be a woman.

This will not happen, rather get rid of men.

There are already sperm banks, and the influence of women in society is growing every day.

Relatively recently, women have received the right to receive education, to hold high positions, and women are already hard pressing men in all areas.

Your time is running out. Enjoy it while you can faggot. Tick tock.

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>the influence of women in society is growing every day.
Get rid of society then

Imagine thinking women aren't the ones who will take the most advantage of this to fuck around infinitely without ever settling and still having all the children they want.

So humans are born unequal and should be treated accordingly to their genetic usefulness?

You sound like one of those boomers who has millions of dollars but never spends any on his children 'so they can learn some initiative' and don't start helping after the kid has gotten himself his own job and is 60k in debt because you wouldn't pay for his college either, so he ends up in a lower economic bracket than you because you had every advantage and refused to pass any of said advantages on.

More like 1-10% of elite male population is more important than any other human being. Women are a herd of cows (but you can't live without cows)
Pretty much ancient greek democracy for you

>t. Zelensky.

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Women are obsolete.

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every woman that has only 2 kids or less might as well have been a man. if there is no population growth then everyone will die of alzheimers and it'd be suepr gruesome lolololololeleleleleleleleleleelelel.

>woman could've been so much more valuable than men.*

except you're completely incapable of physically defending yourself and you rely on men doing this. you rely on men indirectly through the government, but the fact is you're completely dependent upon men. if government disappeared today, you'd be gangraped and put into a cage, and you know this.

men by nature must protect and sacrifice themselves for the sake of a woman. Everything is completely natural now in the West.

>This country lost 70-90% of the male population during the Paraguayan War.
>The male population recovered in a couple of decades.
imagine the sex

Good for them.

Yes, and this is why in these situations women need to be locked up and protected akin to gold. She can't be running around where she can be damaged.

men do this for their own women.
men rape and kidnap other men's women.

there is no such thing as an unowned woman. you're government property.
again, you know this.

What’s the point of this thread?

The vast majority of men have zero value. All women have inherent value because of sex, including infertile women. Only the top 5% of men have any value and women are still more valuable because a single man can impregnate multiple women.