How Do You Plan Life in Clownworld?

>Be me
>In 2022
>About to experience the third or fourth major recession of my lifetime
>I’m not even 22 yet
>Not even counting the Dot Com Crash that happened just months before I was born
How am I supposed to build a life in a society that can’t go more than six years without imploding on itself?
I’m exhausted from all the
>unprecedented historical events
I’ve lived through in even just the last few years.

Boomers always whine about
>Le Great Depression
But that was one time, and they grew up in decades of financial security after WWII.

I watched my dad get laid off in 2008. I spent my highschool years in poverty as my dad built a successful business from the ground up, only for it to get shut down and nearly killed during Le Covid.

Fuck building a life for my kids.
Will I even be able to be a life for myself that will atleast get me to 30 before I an hero?

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I'm 33, I gave up over a decade ago.

Dont be a bitch, create your own bubble, amass as much wealth as you can. Dont give a fuck about the clown world around you.

Also if you think there is going to be hyper inflation, borrow money which you can pay back after a couple of years.

I’d rather be a medieval serf than live in this shitshow.

At least a feudal peasant gets to wake up everyday to till the land, fuck his wife in the evening, and tuck his kids into bed every night till he dies.

All these retards shilling about how great the job market is right now are gonna be seething when half of them get laid off a year from now.
I don’t want to live in a world where my livelihood can’t carry me to the end of a decade.
>inb4 learn2code

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>Don’t be a bitch, create your own bubble, amass as much wealth as you can. Dont give a fuck about the clown world around you.
Yeah bro, just build your own self-sustaining, Conservative colony in the woods. The government loves that.

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I'm 47, I gave up 30 years ago.

How have you managed to survive? I was homeless for about 8 months until my mom took pity on me and let me move back in.

I’m 38. I gave up my initial fuck in 2007, got rid of the rest of my fucks in late 2012. Now I am fuckless and that’s a good thing.

2007 was an awful time to graduate high school. I wish I'd have just dropped out when I was 16, graduating was a complete waste of time, I could have probably been doing something more useful with that 2 years than sitting in teen daycare.

I'm not strong enough to endure this world AND prosper. I will merely survive out of spite and not wanting to disappoint my parents, thats the best I can do.

I genuinely admire any of you (only if white) who somehow made it and have got a family and kids in clownworld. Its not happening for me.

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It's because the government spent a shit ass ton of money for decades, man. When the government is subsidizing your home, paying for your college directly, and nearly guaranteeing employment. Also they got rid of welfare in the 90's and replaced it with workfare, which, I have no idea how many of you have ever used here but the programs are fucking ASS.

>2007 was an awful time to graduate high school. I wish I'd have just dropped out when I was 16
Trying graduating class of 2019, and the Covid clownshow starting during your freshman of college.

The worst part was life was great at the time. Trump was in office. Business was booming. Everyone was happy except for libs.

Everyone tries to forget how great those years were because Le Orange man bad.

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sometimes the cringe is more than i can bare

>Trying graduating class of 2019

At least these days if you aren't a total retard you shouldn't have any expectations of success at all. 2007 was a different time, you had to REALLY know about the writing on the wall back then to make any judgement calls about your future. Being fresh out of high school in 2007 with any kind of dreams whatsoever was fucking soul crushing. The economy never really recovered, things have definitely never been the same. It is fucking impossible to find meaningful work and I'm not writing a novel to every employer to get an interview.

It's over. The only thing that can save civilization now is a complete meltdown of society.

>I spent my highschool years in poverty as my dad built a successful business from the ground up, only for it to get shut down and nearly killed during Le Covid.
This sucks so much. You try to earn an honest and fulfilling living by starting your own business and then the gubment shuts it down for stupid reasons. Part of me wishes I'd learned to farm rather then having a white collar education, but that only fixes so much because you still have pay property taxes at best and get ruby ridged at worst. Things were never easy. You had wars, famines, natural disasters. But things are so stupid now. It's like getting a pie in the face from a clown but only he thinks it's funny.

I'm a Gen-Xer going on 50.
Nothing in my life turned out the way I planned.
I learned a few things along the way.
-having enough money in your pocket to keep a place to store your shit makes life easier.
-the less shit you have, the less you have to work to keep it
-Time is far more valuable than money
-do things for you- enjoy nature, practice a non-meme martial art, avoid toxic processed foods (eat clean meats, vegetables, fruits)
-embrace clown world. Start a chat (signal/discord/etc) with likeminded friends to poke fun at the world as it collapses.
-remind yourself that everything will be alright- we live in a time where decadence, security, and overabundance is tearing society apart, people lived for millions of years without our luxuries.

Yea, high school was gayer than AIDS. The only reason I graduated was because my recruiter made me. I wanted to drop out at 16 also. Such a waste of time.

The joker worshipers are probably even worse than juggalos. A lot of those kind of people pretend to be mentally unstable because they like the edge factor of it. Joker fans though pretend to be mentally unstable for the same reasons, but they’re also legit mentally unstable in ways that they don’t show off because it’s not the cool, edgy form of crazy that Hollywood makes look cool.

also to add:
get Ted-pilled, he was mostly right.
Stay ahead of the curve and things will be alright for you.

38yo ahd feel the same way

one thing I'd add: DO NOT trust women.

There was a big culture of "don't drop out" back then. "Don't drop out! Do you want to flip burgers or dig ditches for the rest of your life?" Shit, I wish I could be digging ditches, it pays alright money. They only give those jobs to illegals anymore though.

High School always was that way. It was jocks beating the hell out of you 35 years ago, or faggots and trannies bullying you with the threat of social violence now. I think kids have it objectively worse now.

why you so failure in life. I see only people with failure in life become so attracted to conspiracy.

Is it because they want to.... BLAME OTHERS BUT THEMSELVES ? WUHAHA


>literally have to troon out or you get bullied

I guess I never really thought about it, but yeah, I'd take the jocks any day. I was big enough by the time middle school ended that nobody ever picked on me in high school.

The 2020s serf
>wagekek all day in the multi ethnic faux society
>barely enough money to maintain a lifestyle that can be built into something great
>lucky to find a mate that isn't blown out or overpaid with an onlyfans
>remember that if you have kids they will be worse off than you
>go home
>find meaningless comfort in consoomer goods, gym, or vidya, or stare at the ceiling until its time for bed

The medieval serf
>wake up at 4:30
>begin day by milking cows
>move on to working the fields with your 5 children as your wife washes clothes and tends to the household
>after a long day of work, fuck your wife raw in the barn before prepping supper
>go to the pub for some night time mead with village bros, discuss familial happenings
>go back to the shack, put children to bed and go to sleep properly exhausted next to your woman

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It's called getting on welfare and section 8 housing. I am surprised you did not know that.

just top yourself now you whining little zoomer cunt, you won't be missed

I was small when in HS '87-91, got beat up some. Learned to fuck with people in other ways.

Hello fren/fellow Gen-Xer.
Your words ring true to me.
All the best.

>I think kids have it objectively worse now.
Sort of related, but joggers have ruined highschool sports.

There’s no way to just play nigball because you like it and want exercise. It’s all about
>travel ball
>year round practice
>getting scouted
>arguing with coach for minutes
>parents betting on games
>fighting over starting spots
>getting to le next level
Every parent wants that free college for their little brat, and will rip your throat to get it.
>holding kids back so they’re bigger than the others
>transferring schools for more minutes
>putting your dumb mutt kids on PEDs in middle school
>iso nigball and mixtape videos
I went to a shitty highschool with bad sports teams, and you still had kids clawing each other over fucking D3 offers (as if they get any money at all).

Stupid hypercompetitive society that can’t do anything unless it’s a means to an end.

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That the rural/trade pill.

>Live rural
>Grow garden
>Raise chickens and livestock
>Diversify skill set by learning different trade skills like carpentry, electric, plumbing, welding, etc.
>Start own business as handyman/contractor
>Integrate into community but be willing to travel statewide for work
>Set own hours, work under the table for cash and barter
>Become invaluable to the community as a reliable person who can get things done
>Marry trad wife
>Have children
>Teach them your ways

Do this and your house will always be in repair, you will always have income, you will never go hungry, and you will always be valued in your community. I’m always getting delicious pies and cakes from people I’ve fixed things for. It is a good life.

You are right about that. I graduated in 2008 and the writing was on the wall at that time because of how everything was highly priced but there was barely any job openings. Even with things recovered under Trump there still was not a lot of high paying jobs but I do not blame him for it because I think it has to do with the debt and how we never truly recovered from it.

Society is a scam, just give it all up. Live in a car or a shed or something and let go of your attachment to the material world.

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>Stupid hypercompetitive society that can’t do anything unless it’s a means to an end.

Reminds me of the twitter clone meta. Whenever a new twitter clone comes out, nobody is interested in just organically posting, it's all about muh ratios and how many followers you can amass while staying as close to following 0 as possible.

Life is even more soulless.

I bought a PC with an RTX 3070.
I'm set for years.

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As someone who is 32 I can agree with you. Far too many people do not socialize much and are too focused on nonsense that they can not really change. Golden rule was to make sure you had time for yourself and time for politics. Sadly internet has warped people into thinking it's everything and it runs their whole lives.

51 can concur. Money is nice but never completely satisfies. A complete happy family and hard work and Christian values. Money is easier to find then a good wife. and both are harder for those after me. Not sure though the pendulum will swing back. It seems like more of the collapse of an empire but 1st world wide. I feel like the elites already have the plan and the infrastructure to do it and just keep provoking us so they can justify the foregone action on our aggression. Lift. Train.

>Muh soul!


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>RTX 3070

For what purpose? There is literally nothing worth playing that needs a graphics card that powerful. You overpaid. Also, any more than 60 fps is fleece and it's stupid to pretend otherwise.

Most jobs require a high school diploma at the very least. My dad had to get his GED in order to work for contract jobs. But college is not even worth it unless you are going for what is needed at all times especially now which is the Trades.