Trans kids rarely change their minds about their gender

>Trans kids rarely change their minds about their gender, according to a years-long study tracking hundreds of children

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kids usually turn out how their parents raised them. Raised a psycho, stays one
Stop making threads.

You just know that they have kinky and passionate sex including french kissing and handholding

How would you know when it's a new phenomenon in history where we give adolescents high dose hormones pre puberty? This isn't like your uncle putting tren in your Wheaties before football practice in the ghetto. This Is mass hormone therapy on mentally ill kids being raised by sick liberals and now days even "conservatives"


No such thing as a tranny child, study is debunked by default.

Okay.... So I was starting to come around to a few things Pol says but then there's *this* thread.

I'm seeing some really hateful, vicious shit being said about trans people here.

You do know that they were born this way, right? Why do you guys hate them so much? :(

So called trans kids don't make it to trans adults furthermore there is no such thing as trans or transgender. Those are mutilated boys and girls respectively

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Healthy kids never change their mind about their genders

It's Ma'am, It's Ma'am, Trooncels chant
But the vonfidence within is scant
Stupid memes and shitty vids
Posted by Trooncel Yids

Sir and Ma'am do not mix
Reddit is full of Larping Pricks
Trooncels, Trooncels don’t you know
Each new post hits a new low

Every day you post user
Posting hate til the sun is gone
Unoriginal, reposts en masse
Anything but admitting facts

And if the janny prunes your post,
You are the ones who shriek the most
Despite your memes being boring and stale
You gather again each day without fail

We know you’re losers in real life
But there’s no need to project your strife
These pathetic Reddit threads
Only make us shake our heads

Pol humor posters, I make this plea:
Get new material immediately!
And while you’re at it, maybe you’ll see
Trooncels dying is a certaint

can’t unrape that child

>this lie again
The majority of "trans kids" get over it and a large portion of the ones who actually transition regret it and want to de-transition later.

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google "sunk cost fallacy"

>women rarely leave abusive spouses
>therefor, abusing your wife good

Why are Hollywood Jews the most mentally sick? They cannibalize, traffic, rape, murder and sacrifice people for their order.

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That's a boy? Yeah right

>> Trans children who affirmed their gender at a young age with parental support were likely to maintain their identities.

Absolutely disgusting parents...
GL when they have a job and realise how fucked they are IRL.

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This kike deserves weeks of torture before the oven

To be honest you guys are just a fetish that should have stayed in the closet. Nobody takes you seriously and the ones that were hired at my facility get talked behind their backs all the time, especially the actual real women they think you're a joke. It's hilarious how they role play and pretend they can rationalize it, only to Crack jokes the moment the tranny leaves. Only had 2 tranny coworkers at the hospital, one of them was even "pretty" but had a eyebrow ridge and shoulders you can't unseen from the side profile

The fucking dude was saving up thousands to fix his eyebrow ridge lmao fucking crazy

If you get little boys on estrogen and pct early enough. But it's really sick to even want to do that huh?

>according to a years-long study tracking hundreds of children
Who commissioned the study and who did the work?

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>82% of trans have contemplated suicide
>40% attempted suicide

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Naomi Watts btfo

Every scientific studies confirms the same thing, the majority of trans kids do not continue feeling trans when they get older. That is the evil reason they are now pushing for young transitions to make it permanent so the kids can't grow up to be their healthy normal selves.

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You keep making this thread.
Are you really so abysmally bankrupt of ideas that you have to keep doing the same thing over and over?
Do you understand what we mean by NPC?
You're the idiot placed by the devs to make the world seem more alive, but you just repeat the same text lines every 2 minutes.
>Hey Any Forums, get to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.


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Bit manipulative innit?

Over half kill themselves because they are horrified at what they become, happiness isn't even on the list. What terrible people those are that support pushing this onto children.

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>they were born this way

I don't trust the research at all. Too many people are involved and many are far gone. They must believe in what they do or they have a problem.

Im not posting proof in this post. Which I should have.


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Drugs are a highway to surgery, after surgery the only real way back is the rope.

Whats your opinion on this:
Yes, there are people who don't like this. You say ,,hate''. This could lead to calling it ,,racism'' in a next step.
Why must everyone like this?

Like this?

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I don't hate the mental patient user, but I want to destroy those that push and perpetuate this onto children. Those adults who contue to push this lie need to be removed from society forever. They are evil. You do not compromise with evil.

They aren't born that way. That's what the science shows. The ones who go through surgery young wind up regretting it later when the dysphoria goes away and they just want to be their birth gender again.

I absolutely agree on violent attacks.
Unless the meddling with things in this topic is opened up.

does sasha schreiber have a future in the business?

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>number of troons doubles in 10 years
>this is a perfectly natural phenomenon
>they were all born that way

Do you not understand bullshit when you see it?

we need Jesus now, more than ever, please pray harder than you have prayed ever before