Just work 8 hours a day for 50 years bro

>just work 8 hours a day for 50 years bro

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That's $2,190,000 @ $15/hr min wage in Canadastan.

I turned 27 i seriously am thinking more and more about blowing my head off my shoulders

>8hours a day
lmao i fucking wish

saving grace:
no longer a wagie
didnt recieve a wooden sword.
fucking carved mine out of a steel beam

And dont ask questions.
And also semifamous women on onlyfans will make 100x your pay simply because they are women.

And just use your remaining time to cook, clean, do laundry, buy groceries, take care of boring stuff, find a wife. What do you need leisure time for, you aren't a commie are you?

pay debt, lazy greasoid

My dad did it, except in his time America was still 87% white and a house costed a small fraction of what it is now

If you mean self-employed, no problem. If you mean for anyone (((providing))) the work opportunity to me, kek no thanks

that's when i plan to go

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>Literally just become the slave bro
>But hey! You make a little money. No you'll never have a home and you shouldn't have kids because the environment or something.

You live in a paradise though

wagie here, it's actually just be in an office 8 hours a day, you can spend a lot of that time browsing Any Forums as long as you get your work done

Reality is 12/hours a day when you account commute, basic maintenance, shopping, and children,

1,317,000 after your taxes
Assume 1/3rd of that goes to rent or mortgage payments
Now you have 869,000
Assume you only eat cheap stuff and food is only 3k a year you now have
If gas prices stay the same and we use the amount it cost me to fill up last time, you will spend 156k on gas alone
Now you have 563,000
Let's assume between car insurance and oil changes/new tires/etc, you spend $1,000 a year on that
You now now 513,000
Between buying gifts, random shit like batteries, replacement appliances and small repairs, and dumb purchases, you will spend $13,000 over 50 years
You now have $500,000
This isn't even calculating electric costs, internet bills, cell phone bills, car payments, costs from having a pet, and vacations

If inflation keeps up, you won't be able to retire on $500,000
It's already hard to do that today

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>1 pbtid
Probably naptime

or save your money and invest wisely, retire after 20 years

The entire stock market is down and shitcoins just crashed

Don't. They want you dead, they want you demoralized. If you kill yourself, they win.

I just did calculations for what my pension will be after 30 years on my job....$14,000 a year.

$14,000 a year pension after giving my life to the job. What the hell is wrong with society

This right here is 100% the truth and imo those are conservative estimates too

You speak the truth but they don't realize that white males have the highest suicide rate because the satanic new world order WANTS you to suicide. It is part of their plan to get rid of you.

or just do it for about 5 or 10 and save and be frugal use the saved up money to start a mechanism that makes money for you, like buying a small lot and trailer and renting it to some frog posting commie faggot to shit in.

You work to own the house you die in. If you have family it's best to stick with them.

Then add one or two hours for rush hour traffic, the cherry on top of each day

6,000,000,000 years of uninterrupted successful ancestors led to the creation of you, literally every one of them clawed and struggled through joy and misery for you to exist.

Rise above user

>Renounce wagie mindset
>Find something you are good at or have a natural inclination towards- does NOT have to be your passion
>Cultivate this skill and make it marketable
>If there's not a market in your area for your skill/talent/trade, then MOVE to somewhere where your skills/trade are in demand

Or quit the server and miss all the good things your life could have been, throw away your Lotto ticket of existence and end your bloodline

Your call faggot

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That's when you buy user.

Also, I have to say that the majority doesn't make $15 a hour here and this is all for one person to take care of themselves with. It needs to return to where one person can support a whole family, have everything paid off in a handful of years, and money saved up for the kids, maintenance/replacement of properties, vacations, schooling, and inheritance for the children.

500k ain't that if it's what a single man retires on.

>If inflation keeps up, you won't be able to retire on $500,000
Unless you are 65 years old and don't plan to live into your 80's, you couldn't retire on 500k and not work anymore. Not too mention if you did add in the costs of phone bill, utilities, etc over 50 years you would have much less than 500k.

>Take this loan, goy! You need this Dodge Charger!
>Now go work 8 hours a day for 50 years

Typical greek med, doesn't want to work so he has more time to fuck little boys up the ass