Nancy Peloci has been officially kick out of the Catholic Church

An incredibly based Archbishop has excommunicated Nancy Peloci:
> I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.

Attached: Nancy_Peloci_Is_Gone.png (590x683, 491.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She doesn't attend mass anyway.

thought she was jewish?

Official Letter:

Catholic here.
You are not "kicked out" with excommunication.
One is forbidden from participating in the sacraments - receiving communion, etc - but you can still attend services.
Still, excommunicating someone is "Not fuckin around anymore" levels of based.
>thought she was jewish?
Negative - she's Italian. Family is mobbed up. East coast mob - and then she lit out for SanFran.

proud shabbos goy

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

Attached: Jesus not nice.jpg (1500x2057, 893.44K)

The Indi Sermon Collection

On forgiveness and sinning.
Trust in God as an excuse to do nothing
Appealing to the masses, but abbominable to God
Confusing mercy and patience with weakness

Attached: Drive me mad.jpg (625x800, 141.55K)

If Pelosi says "fuck you" to the Catholic church, it would probably be a popular advertisement among democrats and left leaning voters.

The organised evil aka vatican reps have the nerve to speak up at all!
Not sure if this is true, and it doesn't matter, but what does matter is that vatican aka catholic church needs to be held accountable for it's crimes and Absolutely desolved.

Looking forward to their demise.

Isn't Pelosi a kike?

Retarded mutt


Might as well get O’Biden while you’re at it.

Her brother and his friends gang raped tweens Kavanaugh-style (except they actually did it). Her brother was the only one not convicted. Dad was mayor of Baltimore at the time.

she's from hell and i dont say that lightly

Based: 100

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hasn't that guy been in some bad shit.

Italian (((Judeo-Christian))), we're talking about ethnic Jews who long ago converted to Catholicism and while they don't identify as Jewish their heritage seemingly makes them a fifth column in Christianity.

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False pope and pedofiles all the way down.
Most disgusting thing to have ever existed.

Reminder Pelosi's family are Italian mafia.
Her father was a communist and mobster.
Her brother is a gangrapist and a pedo.

Good, nice to see the RCC doing something good for a change! Next move, exile her from America!

Thats not an excommunication. Thats the right of the priest ,or in this case a higher rank,but even a priest can do this,to say to a christian he/she not allowed to tale communion if in (mortal) sin.


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This dude is Jesuit educated, like Trump, Fauchi, and Biden. He is controlled opposition who allows faggotry in Cali to flourish.

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And me,i went to jesuitas HS.

I trust Spaniards less than I trust Americans. Did you get sexually assaulted while in school or hear of it happening to people second hand?

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