Monkeypox is confirmed to be airborne. Why aren't you masking up?

Monkeypox is confirmed to be airborne. Why aren't you masking up?

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masks are for ugly people, and I am a beautiful one

because i dont fucking care
praise nurgle

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Fuck off cunt

Has it actually been confirmed airborne or are you basing that on the WHO saying it's theoretically possible for it to be airborne?

It’s confirmed to be transmitted through faggotry. Why is OP still sucking cock?


>Why aren't you masking up?
1. my immune system is not compromised
2. the vaxx has not compromised my immune system
3. i don't engage in homosexual activity with other immune compromised individuals.

It has always been "airborne". It takes long term face-to-face exposure because it is passed by respiratory droplets (not aerosol). Granted, that may change on a whim by the WHO and CDC.

Oh ok, so you don't know what you're talking about as you clearly don't understand what airbone means. Good to know.
Please remember to kill yourself on the way out.

I really hope monkeypox spreads like fucking crazy so all these mask retards will finally realize they've been wearing a placebo.
>how did everyone on the plane get monkeypox? We were all masked!


this nigga still thinks that a piece of fabric magically stops all viruses from getting into his body

No. I do know what I'm talking about. But the media is playing up "airborne" because they know YOU don't know what it means. You got played again.

Mask is for NPCs.
I wear glasses. Glasses is for frens.

this is the only reason why i still wear one, us ugglies have been blessed by the mask gods

>Monkeypox is confirmed to be airborne
Stop having anal sex faggot

Didn't work for Covid, what makes you think they will suddenly realize it now. They got 3 vaccines + masks + social distancing and still contracted Covid, and still defend all 3 of those measures.

Monkeypox is fake

because your a faggot and i need to make sure i can see you faggots vs people i can trust

>Monkeypox is fake
There exists the possibility that this outbreak isn't monkeypox at all, and it's all a big cover-up for what's really happening -- Auto-Immune Blistering Disease. Who knows at this point.

It's only transmissible through the air if someone pokes or scratches one of the pock boils open and splashes pock juice all over your face like gay nazi bukakke videos.

I stopped caring. They didn't even make cool videos this time to scare me, so no thanks

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Fuckoff Bill Gates

Only Jabbies get Monkey Cox

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Because im not a pussy and if it is my time to go i will go. Better to die standing up than to live on bend knees.