/NZPol/ General - Saturday night edition

What's on the agenda tonight, Kiwibros? What are we drinking?
Let's discuss New Zealand politics, current events, history, whatever. Jump in this thread and get comfy.

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I'm really not too keen on the antichrist and the servants thereof

took long enough cunt and you fucked up the subject there's no NZG so people wont find it with ctrl f
worst part of my life right now is I cant go to the servo and get a monster zero I don't care if its bad for me and makes me tense I wanna feel like a fuckin animal

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Anyone else hate the anti-christ? Asking for a friend.

>cant go to the servo and get a monster zero
Why not, user?

im bored out of my fuckign mind

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I like watching the ram raids and seeing all these young gang prospects get away.
It continues to reinforce my view that the police only exist to prevent me from lynching pedophile politicians and degenerate drug dealers and enforce rightful mob justice within my community. They are utter USELESS for anything else.
Everyone should have the right to bear arms to protect themselves, their family and their property.

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yeah, and i hate chinks and pajeets too.

why don't you do something productive?

what did you do?

Haven't watched or read any news today, I feel good

which are worse gooks or poos? i am leaning towards slopes for shouting monkey tounge in the streets, but might consider poos being worse for constantly crying about muh women never wanting their stinky cocks

like what

kek I thought everyone knew by now

>What are we drinking?
Kiwis smoke weed, booze is for Islanders and other niggers

clean your room? do some laundry?

I just quickly rode my bicycle down to the servo up the road to get a pack of darts. Stupid bitch was in the bathroom for ages and I was standing outside in the cold waiting for her to get back.

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My greatest hope for New Zealand is for someone to come out and tell all the "Maori" that the full Maori already died out and probably half the current ones are people larping

Stay quiet amerimutt rat before i fuck your ass hole dumb fucking cunt

I'm going with poos. They're deceptive, arrogant, wankers. If you get along with them, they are tolerable and sometimes even bro-tier. But they'll backstab you the moment they get a chance. I fucking hate them so much

Home made bacon and egg muffins with Blue V

Though it is a shame there is little to no full-blooded Maori left, anyone can LARP as a Maori here. If you're 1/100th Maori you can identify as Maori and enroll to vote on the Maori roll.

I'm 1/8th Maori. I wouldn't say I larp as a Maori but I definitely play it up for certain purposes and always mark it down as my main ethnicity in official documents.

We can be maori with no proof at all, American user can say he's maori

Fucking convicts.

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>Your smoking harms others
Good, they're all fucking communists.

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holy shit bakers it really that hard to call it /nzg/ so when we search catalog it comes up rather than accidentally finding it scrolling through ukraine nonsense, school (supermarket school) shooters, and 10 different aussie erection threads
>your smoking harms others
as jocko willink would say, good.
>Stupid bitch was in the bathroom for ages
should have asked her if she was taking a shit, prob was
>American user can say he's maori
he prob is maori
>I'm going with poos.
with poos you... win?

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