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british women will start complaining and whining in the media soon and will want them kicked out in favor of brown male refugees

Leaving the mother of his children for a hot 20 year old blonde surely worked for Depp. It will surely work for this guy too

Lmao. Watch how quickly women turn against them.

The pendulum swings, karma is a bitch, etc.

kek this sounds like a drama/horror. like that movie orphan with the killer midget lady

his mrs wasnt old or fat, just bad luck he met a younger girl. hes a slovak.

the nose never lies

Jokes on him. Ukrainians are prostitutes.

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Bitch is Turkish or smth

>5/10 Slab girl with a beak I'd a 10/20 in Bongland


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I haven't read the article, but is it one of those "wife insists we do the right thing for social validation and likes and it terribly backfires?" Sucks for the kids and people who wreck their families are assholes but in current year plus 7 I can't bring myself to have any sort of sympathy for women in these situations. She's 28, maybe she will find a betabuxx who will take care of her and her children, otherwise she better stock up on the wine and the cats.

except in this instance he accepts her offer and beats up her cooter before blowing a massive load.
You could say its a happy ending since everyone gets what they deserve.

The lad is heavily tattooed from face, head, neck down to arms legs and feet. So now will you call him low IQ? Any Forums is known for calling people who are tatted low IQ but now this based man will be excused because A. He cucked his girlfriend and B. he's white.

Damn he downgraded.

Left is prettier imho

>face tattoo
>neck tattoo
>tear tattoo to signify murder
chose a real winner there, is she actually shocked the marriage broke down within 10 days of being around a tacky slav hoe?


holy fuck it must be jewish-ukrainian

All 3 are obviously trash garbage. Nice people you got Engerlund

friendship with lorna: ended
new best friend: sofiia
just wait for the ukrainian tranny to cuck him for a BBC

All these kind of articles are BS stories.

This, simple as. Ukrainians gonna whore and trash people gonna be trash

He couldn't resist those Khazar milkers desu.

>now this based man will be excused because A. He cucked his girlfriend and B. he's white.

Shiet that whack downgrading for a younger but somehow uglier bird?

Damn that's one ugly hohlina

sofia looks like a man

Making the UK less inbred one Ukrainian wife at the time

she knew what she was getting into with this guy
as females say 'upgrade your standards' - but she wanted a primitive retard with a tear tattoo and now she has daughters who immediately betrayed her
you confuse Any Forums for being purely racist when women used to be guarded to prevent them bringing something like this (or ray ray/abdul) home

sounds like he got ho-holed

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Don't you have to kill someone in prison to get a teardrop tattoo?

Lurk moar, newfag. We don't take kindly to tatted retards around here.

It's too quiet and boring these days, better throw a grenade into my home life and get with some khazarian Yentl who looks like Laura Loomer. Downgrade, she will suck him dry financially and find someone better within 6 months. He will curse himself in a year when he looks at his monthly alimony and child support payments, the kids will hate him too. He's some low class wagie, it's not like he'll have a lot to pay, but still.

Oh fuck that’s her at 22? Imagine her at 35.

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i also forgot i saw a korean movie which is literally the same concept...look at this ending 4th wall-breaking monologue
koreans, i bow

He honestly did Lorna a favor

Guys who are tattooed like that are low iq retards without impulse control in the vast majority of cases.

Never marry a slav chick, they are one of the most golddiggiest women out there, and want nothing m ore than a Western passport.

And Carlos here never fails to deliver

What did that idiotic wife think it's going to happen?
>ya love mah rubbish husband with that tattoos on his face will be faithful till death do us apart innit

who said he’s based. he’s still a low IQ retard, like everyone else involved in this dumb story. ex wife for taking in the ukranian whore, ukranian whore for being a ukranian, and the guy for being a degen coomer

aaaaaahahahaha fucking awesome
british women are devils, this makes me smile

nice to see the beautiful citizens of my beautiful city on Any Forums