Stormfront & Why the Right will Lose

>Nazi Chuds
you read it a thousand times
you will read it a thousand more
you nazi larping faggots are the sole reason the right will never win
if I was to blame one group it would be the boomer storefront anons
you old racist hate-filled faggots doomed the right
who the fuck wants to be associated with nazis
you would have a better time advocating for litterly any cause if that trailer park stain of a loser community didn't look so bad on you
one nazi flag carried by a hate filled leaf or maple glowie shut down discussion on the truckers and stained them to this day as racists
antifa is still tolerated to an extent by the left because they are the only ones fighting nazis in their eyes
they will not go away because soros bucks are gone
most antifa members think everyday maga tards are actual nazis
you fucked over everyone with hate
you couldn't accept that your leader killed himself while high on meth
I propose 2 options for neo nazis anons here
1. repent /apologize
2. follow your leader

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>It might work if I was trans or minority
trans children are evil & shouldn't be a fucking thing
do whatever you want after 18 though

Fascism is the last dying breath of capitalism
Got to hand it to them though, they've made the left completely repulsive to anyone that's ever worked for a living.

The absolute state of that Jewesses neanderthal fridge body

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She was a terrible actress.

>you read it a thousand times
>you will read it a thousand more
>you nazi larping faggots are the sole reason the right will never win
>if I was to blame one group it would be the boomer storefront anons
>you old racist hate-filled faggots doomed the right
>who the fuck wants to be associated with nazis
>you would have a better time advocating for litterly any cause if that trailer park stain of a loser community didn't look so bad on you
>one nazi flag carried by a hate filled leaf or maple glowie shut down discussion on the truckers and stained them to this day as racists
>antifa is still tolerated to an extent by the left because they are the only ones fighting nazis in their eyes
>they will not go away because soros bucks are gone
>most antifa members think everyday maga tards are actual nazis
>you fucked over everyone with hate
>you couldn't accept that your leader killed himself while high on meth
>I propose 2 options for neo nazis anons here
>1. repent /apologize
>2. follow your leader

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is this satire?

You didn’t watch the show? Bitch dies at the end of season 2. You need to catch up on your The Boys backlog nigra

>it's the end of history

Liberal democracy has been outmoded at this scale of society by stste capitalism. China is simply doing it better. The United States will continue to decline if it keeps its current system and tries to operate at this scale.

You're right that liberal economics are dead, but wrong if you think therr's nothing "after" it.

The economic arrangement which must arise out of America would be labeled fascistic according to the popular definition of the word.

I lost the argument I guess....

Why would you tell anyone to watch season 2? It was beyond awful and you're better off not watching it.


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Leftists are more hate-filled on average than white nationalists. Don't necessarily hate kikes and niggers and other races, hate the forced diversity and white replacement perpetrated by the kikes. If we had our own places to live seperately I would be perfectly happy, and would have no need to even give them all a second thought let alone hate. As far as the internet culture goes, if it wasn't for leftist infilatration, our ideology and conversation would be quite civil. Leftists always bring the hatred to the table, and so we must rally our hate in order to focus and prevent ourselves from being drowned out. It's a responsive mechanism, at least in my case, I only return fire. You also fail to understand the NSDAP flag and imagery is not meant to be given as hate, we don't see "nazism" or Hitler as a hateful man but a symbol of resistance to our percieved evil. Most of us don't believe all the demonization like you do.

yellow hands typed this post

I they they are glowing instead.

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Is that kike refrigerator supposed to be a super hero? fucking hell.

Also BTW your picrel is a literal Jewish actress protraying YOUR interpetation of a "nazi Chud", a character spawned from your perspective by some of the most woke writers available. You are eating up propaganda and have no idea how idiotic you are making yourself out to be by proudly displaying it in an attempt to own the nazis.