Is this true?

Is this true?

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No it is not true user.

A Tremendous load of shittery.

Then what makes a person free?

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peak boomerism

Prove it wrong, Pro-Tip you can't.

Inb4 ZOGbots, doesn't make the OP's pic false.

Only three world powers one is semi free(US) even if we has a pest problem currently. The only other two options are pure tyranny. America is the only one with real guns talking about freedom. With out us ever last small fish falls to the Communist boot. Simple as, small brains will argue otherwise.

Freedom is never free and you faggots better never fucking forget it.

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yes it's absoloutly 100% true godbless america and president Joe biden who was elected in a very normal way
#fuck trump


Yeah ok lol “freedom” on earth when the Catholic Church still exists.


We got saved by the Russians. Americans only sent 200k in 1942, and this was nothing but an imperialist move to stop Germany from reacgikg an alternative to communism or capitalism.

lmao goddammit, go figure

hot take

Really depends on the author of history doesn't it?

Becoming Ungovernable.

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They mean free to pay taxes in their currency or have your entire family murdered.



Free= slave of jews

But no one on earth is free
Knowing how to think instead of what to think

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brought slave markets to liberia and mullahs
to Iran

>Freedom is never free
>Freedom is a dualism

Pilpul did this and you faggots better start realizing it.

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American Zio-Boomers are.kneecapping conservatism and actively aiding Demonrats.wirh asinine and frankly insulting talking points like this.
Probe me wrong

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the US defeated stalin but never trotzky