BlackRock abandons Russia

>BlackRock’s iShares will close its MSCI Russia and MSCI Eastern Europe exchange-traded funds because of the Ukraine conflict, BlackRock said on Friday.
The Big Jew has abandoned Russia. Turns out war is bad when you can't make money. Russia is fucked.
Sauce: google the quote

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>Big jew leaves
>is fucked

pick one, and only one you dumb fucking stupid son of a whore, your father failed you, you bring shame to your family.


Your country is still controlled by a Jew and is one of the most corrupt countries in European

>le Ukraine is corrupt lololol
You should see our neighbors and what corruption has done to their army.

You're an idiot. War is bad because it is very costly, it kills and injures people, destroys property and infrastructure, ruins credit reputation and trust in general.

Blackrock is closing down those funds not protect themselves, they're closing them down to protect investors who are trying to speculate in the Russian and Eastern European stock market via the investment funds Blackrock offers them (Exchange traded funds, primarily).

Blackrock knows that Russia and Eastern Europe is very likely to go deep into the shitter and they don't want their shareholders to lose everything. And Blackrock can easily set up ETFs elsewhere where they can invest and offer new shares and help them collect management fees that are more secure.

Investment funds like Blackrock, Vanguard, etc, are very risk averse by nature, to protect shareholders and their competitive management fees which depend on securing the trust of investors to keep funds with them.

Lots of jews keeping fleeting Russia, I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin to improve massively out of nowhere soon.

What has it done ? They're all equally shit

And just 2 weeks ago they shut down their ETF’s business in my free, shithole country, and Larry ran crying to the president trying to convince him to invest in his shit ESG scam. One week later Larry declared they wouldn’t put much money in the environmental part of his scam. Little victories from time to time.

>Blackrock cares about its investors.

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>The Big Jew has abandoned Russia
i'd consider this a win for russia? may the biggest win possible?

>our neighbours are also corrupt

Mate if you've all shit your pants, you can't throw turds at the other pants shitters and call them dirty.

Zelensky is a member of the tribe. They will stand by him until the bitter end. This isn't surprising.

>Always do the opposite of what Blackrock says

it's over for russia, blackcock leaving is the nail in the coffin

It's because McDonald's is leaving Russia.

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sounds good. kys pig

>Big jew leaves
your conflict is literary american jews vs russian jews fighting over influence with slavic blood

Considering the money i make off them, yeah they do

>The Big Jew has abandoned Russia.
Lucky Russia

While the army certainly hasn't lived up to their good name (and I believe you're right, corruption, partly incompetence and inability to name problems within the armed forces because of the culture there, thievery and other problems), you still have to be fair. They also didn't get billions of longterm and many more billions in last minute foreign aid in the form of state of the art military weapons. Imagine 2 countries fighting, or rather one country attacking another, and the other country getting billions in resupply from a dozen wealthy modern countries. Let's not forget that you have more or less all 5 Eyes foreign intelligence capabilities at your disposal and also military advisers on the ground for years. This is only a David vs Goliath fight if you take a superficial glance and just follow the propaganda.

Blackrock leaving Russia is good for Russia. Fuck yourself rabbi

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>The Big Jew has abandoned Russia.
How is that a bad thing?

you realize your boys have all surrendered, right?

Explain how

>predatory financial scammers leave
it's like saying gypsy's have packed up for the next town and that's a bad thing because you miss their services

BlackRock openly subvert every company they have a large enough stake in to do so. Google "ESG". The basic gestalt this thus: big Larry tells you to follow his ideological propaganda or he cuts you off from "stakeholder capitalism".

How are indexes predatory?
Their money is in stock, their interests are in stocks growing why would they do anything to harm that?