It wont stop coming true

it wont stop coming true

what is going on

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Slow and painful death.

wtf this was supposed to be a reply to the putin thread and i somehow made a new thread

Sup Confederate Guy

>kikes create a narrative 2000 years ago
>kikes collude to make the narrative appear to come true
>braindead superstitious boomer christians buy it hook, line, and sinker because they think jesus is coming
>it isn't jesus
>it's just jews

>the jews control the stars, asteroids and knew about microchip implant technology 2000 years ago

What is this verse supposed to mean? I don't understand the context.

>bad things will happen, that's how we win
christcuckery is a giant desert suicide cult for the goyim

Attached: 1636194896219.jpg (832x735, 265.66K)

How do I stop being a lazy, comfort loving faggot, giving into urges every day and being hedonistic and actually change myself for the better and find Christ?

I bought WEAT.

Attached: Jesus.jpg (1200x1439, 178.28K)

Go kys memefaggot


the book says pestillence/pandemic, war, famine, death

this same prophecy has only come true hundreds of times.

one day communism will overtake the entire world.

this will be the final time.

listen to this on a bikeride or a walk

Shit or get off the pot

Christ haters are jews ally

Captain Beefheart - Ah Feel Like Ahcid":

Well send me with a letter lord drop me with a telegram I said
My baby walked just like she did
Walking on hard-boiled eggs with a... she can steal em...
I ain't blue, o more I said...
Lord one jumped up lord the other one quackin'
Yeah she got those great big drums sticking out, woooo
Big chicken legs beat when she walks flappin' down the street where I live


The original inscription is a choinix of wheat for one denarius, which is approximately equivalent to 1 liter of wheat for a day's wages. If you're wondering how close we are to fulfilling that particular passage.

The holy spirit helps interpret Scripture.Thats why satan cant understand. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

The verse means nothing without the chapter and the whole book preceding it.
This is just one of the four horsemen.
They're unleashed at practically the same time as each other.

Read the book of Revelation.
It's chronological.



>vague symbolic prophecy is directly connected to modern technology and isn't just an obvious attempt at shoehorning the deranged ramblings of a madman into the contemporary world