Remember when being against racism wasn't synonymous with being racially and culturally replaced in your own country...

Remember when being against racism wasn't synonymous with being racially and culturally replaced in your own country? Good times, good times

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It's your own fault for voting the way you all do. I mean it 100%. Nobody wanted to replace whites based on their skin color. We only want to replace you based on the shitty evil exploitative and coercive system of capitalism you chose to marry yourselves to

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No one else doubles down on capitalism and rightwing politics. Only whites. So that is your central moral failing and it also ended up, poetically, being your undoing because people aren't going to put up with you screwing over their countries and political systems forever. Also pic related is noteworthy how you subverted democracy via the electoral college and senate electoral system in order to keep your non-democratically supported rightwing system in place. All of you are only getting what you deserve, sorry.

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It's not because you're white though. It's because you're republicans and rigged the USA's political electoral system in your favor and forced everyone into this shit enslaved miserable existence

>Remember when being against racism wasn't synonymous with being racially and culturally replaced in your own country?
No, Racism is a natural response and not being racist leads to being replaced in one way or another, example: England

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>Things beyond your knowledge and your democracy are your own fault

No, they aren't. They're the fault of the people pushing for them. Its not a woman's fault she is raped, its the rapists'. That's how crime and punishment works in the three digit IQ world.

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>against (((racism)))
>using that term unironically
OP is obviously some sort of retard.

The term (((racism))) is classic jewing... invert everything to gaslight and brainwash NPCs. It is called newspeak, a type of pilpul. The jews go-to weapon of choice.

Such examples:
>(((white privilege)))
>(((white supremacist)))
>(((holocaust denial)))
etc. etc.

"Antisemitism" itself is a newspeak term created by jews very recently (a little over a hundred years ago) to shut down discussion and to control goyim thought, just like (((racism))) and the like. Pic related, maybe the most redpilling data one will ever see.

Creating and changing the meaning of words as a form of thought control goes hand in hand with the birth of the jew funded (((social political movements))) of the 20th century. Socrates predicted it all centuries ago. We now see it on a daily basis.

Through all of history... peoples were judged on their character, culture, intelligence, way of life etc. etc.

If you had a culture that were complete shit heads, or noble, or anything in between... those peoples having e.g. X color skin was not a factor in that judgement, only a descriptive. There were a multitude of black, white, yellow and brown cultures all looked up and down to at varying degrees. Simply read the bible or any other old texts like the Greek philosophers.

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With the rise of jewish (((social and political movements))) you had attempts at thought control come into play. E.g. "You're not allowed to think X about X people, because that's "racist"! i.e "That's a thought crime!"

This came into prominence during the communist revolutions of the early 20th century. There in particular used to make it a "thought crime" to question the motives of the communist movement... "You are racist! You are antisemitic!" (communism was almost entirely a jewish movement).

You see words as thought control used in a multitude of other ways by various social movements for different agendas. Not being able to talk about black crime statics during gun control discussions is another.
>"We want to ban guns!"
>"But here are the stats, that makes no sense..."
>"Those stats are racist! You're a racist!"
>"These holocaust numbers just don't make any sense whatsoever... let's discuss this."
>"You're a holocaust denier! You're a nazi!"
>"I don't want trannys having subversive classes in our schools and public libraries...”
>"That's transphobic! You're transphobic!"

NPC: "Oh.... I don't want to be seen as a racist/nazi/transphope! Watch me virtue signal and comply... I'm a good goy!"

Jew population mind control tactics101.

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Yes retard it's whites that support capitalism, capitalist policies, rightwing politics, rightwing politicians. It's whites that do all of the voting in the USA. I posted shit here showing an uneducated white redneck in Wyoming has 68 times as much voting power as one of the smartest people on the planet in some top elite tier higher learning education institution in California, and yes those white uneducated rednecks vote for capitalism and rightwing policies

Look back to how jews won their first major post-WW2 culture war victory in America. I am referring to the defeat of Joseph McCarthy and the vilification of "McCarthyism" (jew newspeak). He was exposing the jew infiltration of Hollywood and academia. When the (((media))) turned on him and basically discredited the idea of resisting marxists in our culture, they were free to act. Hollywood turned sharply to the left; just compare the movies from the 50's to those of the 60's and 70's. Academia became almost completely leftist (if not altogether marxist). The cultural takeover was complete, and no one lifted a finger.

Notice the Orwellian finesse in which jews have demonized certain ideas - rational rejection of degeneracy and communism and its influence in culture became the hated "McCarthyism". Any rejection of marxist beliefs became bigotry and racism. The victory the marxists enjoyed was the demonization of the idea of anti-communism/anti-semitism in America. This has led in turn to the idea that protecting any part of our culture is wrong, and must be resisted.

Today's left and the degradation of the American dream is the direct result of this cancerous idea that our culture is not worth defending.

There's a reason they don't teach you about the Venona Papers (declassified in 1995, a who's who of jews) in school, McCarthy was 100% right:

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>capitalism, capitalist policies
>uneducated white redneck
Holy turbo kike.
>communism was almost entirely a jewish movement
Putin: Communist revolution was mostly jewish, 85%

e.g. Karl Marx himself = JEW

e.g. The first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The first Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
>On May 17, 1948, only three days after Israel declared independence, Stalin legally recognized it de jure, becoming the very first country to grant recognition to the Jewish state.

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I was pro mixing, pro veganism, pro equality, pro feminism, pro animal rights, pro free healthcare....20 years ago.

You just move on, man.

>jew agenda
Let this jew explain it:

They want to control a NPC prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, gender-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled, subdued cattle (which they call goyim). They make up 1.4% of the US population and 0.2% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

300+ sourced must-know jew redpills:

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Fucking kek. If we are truly evil, like you said. Then, we will never let you niggers and shitskins live in the US in the first place. We will wipe you out. We will be actively killing you.
But, nice delusions. I think you need meds.

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>Look back to how jews won their first major post-WW2 culture war victory in America
History fun facts:
>Weimar Germany is the jew capital of the world
>Hitler rightfully expels the jews
>Jews then claim Hitler supposedly killed literally ***HALF*** the world jew population and took their wealth etc.
>only a few thousand bodies ever found
>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews become far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
>The USA becomes the new jew capital of the world
It really makes one think.

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>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
Thanks to this freedom of information act, we now know to what great lengths jews went to cover-up this fact.

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Retard, you literally do spend your days trying to organize a political movement to mass kill "niggers, kikes, homos, the poor, women" I dunno who would be left in your unironocally gay nazi utopia full of cut, fit dudes with blond hair and ripped abs but I know there's definitely some repressed homosexual fantasies in there motivating this agenda

Anyway yea the point is you literally are trying to do those things, you're just fucking impotent because you're a bunch of fucking impotent people

You may have thought that but the point of anti-racism has always been the destruction of whites from the beginning.

>you literally do spend your days trying to organize a political movement to mass kill "niggers, kikes, homos, the poor, women"

>No one else doubles down on capitalism and rightwing politics. Only whites
Both you and I know this is not true, lol. The middle East is dominated by far rightwing Islamist parties. African countries like Kenya are literally ran by Ethnonationalists who are pushing for more of the pie for their respective tribes. India's largest party is the far right Hindu Nationalist Hindutva party. China is a literal ethnostate and possibly the most racist country on earth, with minorities monitored with GPS trackers and phenotype detecting race profiling cameras and AI. Whites vote for conservative parties because leftwing parties quite openly want to ship in minorities to replace them and are opposrd to their interests. You know this is true. You know your flimsy logic doesn't hold any ground under basic scrutiny. It's just cheap sophistry you cook up to validate your impulsive parasitism, invasion and plunder of the West. Reason left the conversation long before you vomited any of those retarded paragraphs. I'm happily open to respecting other cultures and peoples, but if your goal is my extinction, then logically, we're going to be racist to you, we're going to set boundaries, and we're going to radicalise. Whenever you see the skyrocketing xenophobia and extreme attitudes in the West in the news and on TV, just remember: This is the future you chose.

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Accept the waves of suffering inherent in samsara. One's people will survive, at least those who value themselves as a people. The tyrannical theft of taxes is violence in itself, much less for the country to wage brutal and violent warfare upon another.

Cool wall of text about the middle east. Now kindly enjoy your replacement as punishment for voting republican. RIP white race, you could have saved yourself by not being a bunch of callous, racist sociopaths

If only educated people could vote then there wouldn’t be many minorities in office.

Look what Japs did to the Filos and I'm at a Japanese school yikes

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I don't want only educated people to vote. That's not what I've advocated for at any point or what anyone on the left has advocated for. What we've advocated for is the opposite of that. We've advocated for EVERYONE to get a vote but also for everyone to get an equal vote. Not dumb uneducated rednecks in Wyoming getting 68 times as many votes per person as PhDs in California