They make a good point

They make a good point.

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Why is Africa missing?

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>all the dozens of small countries with low population and relatively small diversity
Pick one

wtf is the universal but not free? everyone has to pay to get the same shit kek wtf

It's part of China.

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Universal healthcare is great!

>Be me.
>Infection on groin
>Go to Doc #1
>Fungal infection user, have this cream!
>Doesnt work
>Go back to Doc #1 but Doc #2 is there because Doc #1 is absent
>Doc #2 looks at it, says "You need a stronger anti-fungal, user, use this cream"
>Not working
>Go to Doc #3 who confirms it is a fungal infection, renews cream that isnt working
>Go back to Doc #3 who says "oh, you need a referral to a dermatologist!"
>Wait 1.5 months (not for a real dermatologist, that would have taken 6-9 months, this is a GP with an "interest in dermatology" (aka she can make more money)
>Go to dermatologist stand-in
>user, this is a bacterial infection, take this antibiotic and use this antibiotic cream

USA's system is really good if you have insurance. If you don't it sucks, but if you do, the physicians actually have to treat you properly because there can be substantial malpractice awards.

The red places are where people go for elective and the best doctors. You want me to feel bad for being the Ferrari of healthcare?

Fuckin go sit in line and die in Canada or die on the operating table in India. Or get paid $60k a year after going to school for 20 years.

They’re also in HS

You're already paying for everyone else's healthcare. You're just also paying for an army of middle men and supporting a price fixing cabal.

I agree that it's unfair that someone can lose everything they own due to unexpected health problems.

On the other hand, US healthcare is the best in the world, bar none. When rich people like Saudi sheiks need heart or cancer care, where do they go? UK? Canada? Fuck no. They all come to the US for the best healthcare in the world.

The sad fact is capitalism creates better results than govt controlled healthcare. The only catch is it costs more money than govt healthcare.

I have to laugh at democrats in the US who crow about "free" healthcare in Canada or the UK. I would like to see them wait for months to see a specialist like in Canada or the UK, or when they are having a baby, they can't see their OBGYN, nor go to their closest hospital, instead they have to travel miles away and give birth with a random OBGYN. That shit would never fly. Americans want immediate and local healthcare. They are too stupid to realize that with socialized medicine, your care is done by the same people who run the DMV and the post office. You will wait a long fucking time until the govt bureaucrats are ready to treat you.

You can choose free healthcare or great healthcare, you can't have both.

Ah, yes, let's make Healthcare like brazil!!1! Seriously we should just jump on the bandwagon with them and let them eat the shit sandwich that they are demanding. It's not like I am ever going to a doctor again after this fucking coof nonsense.

what is medicaid, ER

the shitholes have no more than that

>When rich people like Saudi sheiks need heart or cancer care

You aren't getting access to the billionaire's doctors retard. Even for simple stuff like childbirth American healthcare is awful.

Left off Tasmania.this map is loteral left wing fake news shit.

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>there can be substantial malpractice awards.
Good news, They just kill you before you can sue.
They only kill 500,000 people a year now on "accident".
If you count the people they killed on vents via the way of covid, it's probably more like 6 times that amount in the span of a year. They got a cool ten thousand+ for each one of those to sweeten the deal though.

You're a retard. I had open heart surgery at Mass General in Boston. The best doctors in the world operated on me, and it cost me next to nothing because I have health insurance through work.

I genuinely feel bad for people who don't have good health insurance, but you're a fucking moron thinking that normal people can't access the best doctors in the US.

Go live in Canada, dipshit. When pro sports players for the Mapleleafs, Canadiens, Blue Jays, or Raptors need emergency tests and surgery, where do they go? Toronto? Montreal? Tell me, you stupid faggot. No, they go to NYC, Boston, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic.

Be less stupid and naive.

The USA is losing productivity as medical costs continue an inflationary death spiral. We could live longer for cheaper if we rolled out better methods for broad access under state guidance.

In, you'd need a one-in-a-million confluence to get state healthcare and diagnostic AI reforms. IRL, we have this magical thing where people guide reforms consciously, and we could use AI systems to cut staffing while implementing a new high-tech universal healthcare program.

Did you hear that? We could cut staffing. American healthcare is undersupplied shit where we don't have enough doctors to do it right, but it's also underproductive primitive shit that could be done better. We could get much more yield per doctor.

The market is stagnant. Reform it!

The US has universal but not free healthcare. The map got it wrong.

>developed nations
Read mutt
Most green nations require health insurance and then subsidize poorfags to pay for their insurance. That’s not free

Then why is South America included? Retard.

>Most green nations require health insurance and then subsidize poorfags to pay for their insurance. That’s not free
In most of them it is literally socialism: From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
If you earn more, you pay more.
You will receive exactly the same treatment as someone with the same ailment.

>group’s list of demands are absolutely insane except one of them
>use their one semi rational demand to represent the list
Leftists are so disingenuous I think they’re evil.

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Liberals also always want their pie and eat it too: Premium college and premium healthcare, "for free".
They do not want the kind of university in Russia. Or the kind of healthcare in Ukraine. No. Premium healthcare for free, please.

Because them having “free healthcare”, which they probably don’t, makes american healthcare system look worse.
You need to read between the lines mutt

>communists took over nations as they gained independence
>why are all these nations more left wing than the us?
c'mon just give us power

And all of the countries that have it fly to America for serious operations. Plus schemes like these collapse over time. Let's see how these 'universal' schemes hold up through an actual depression without bringing the whole state down.