I feel like my life is ruined

Tranny got surgery, ruined life. Many, many such cases.

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he's still a tranny judging by his post history also
>medically necessary

They suspected he may have had a stroke and then discharged him without checking?

>When I awoke I could not even open my eyes, all I could do was listen to the medical staff all around me commenting on how 30 is so young to have a stroke and how much of a shame it was for all this to happen to me for cosmetic surgery. I couldn't speak either to explain to them that this was not a cosmetic procedure but was medically necessary.

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I know a transgender man, he became our biggest lover in the whole interworld webwebz, I am his father and he is my daughter, I fuck him every day and I feel his dick. I know that my love is forbidden, but >I know that in the klife everything is good, I am a 65 year old man who lives with his cat ndh is brother, HALLELUJAH

I want to see the before and after!
also, why don't they do these surgeries on actual women? a lot of man faced bitches out there could use some facial feminizing.

FFS is multiple surgeries done to feminize parts of the face, women don't get it because they don't have to feminize their entire face, they only do parts like their nose or eyes

What's 'For Fuck Sake' surgery?

I understand you

why they cant make a second transfusion?

Because it’s a tranny

Yeah, it's called "get this faggot out of here so he dies in the street instead of in my building"

top keck

>medically necessery cosmetic surgery
You cant say this person isnt a woman

Medicare only pays for so much, even in cali

>medically necessary
yeah, ok pal


So my tax dollars were used to pay for this?


yes, you should be proud. you ruined someone’s life


>For everyone. Jaw surgery is DANGEROUS. Far more dangerous than surgeons want you to know. It requires work on and around critical nerves/veins which are fundamentally different in each person. Some nerves/veins are located in places surgeons don't expect and react differently between one person and another if the surgeon tries to resection them. Reality is very few plastic surgeons should do this type of work, and this story highlights these dangers.

>Wiah I could have read this months ago. But who knows if I would have even listened, I was so desperate to get the misgendering to stop I might have rolled the dice anyway.

Keck USC

Victims of these surgeries should be allowed to take the lives of the jews who perform them without any consequence.

scratch you armpit,smell on your finger.
smells like pussy

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