You will never be a real army. You have no logistics, you have no tactics, and you will never have Kiev...

You will never be a real army. You have no logistics, you have no tactics, and you will never have Kiev. You are a third rate military twisted by propaganda and world war era legacy into a crude mockery of western perfection.

All the “validation” you get is from edgy fourteen year olds and your own misguided people. Military analysts mock you. Zhukov and other past generals are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “allies” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

The west is utterly repulsed by you. Decades of doctrinal evolution have allowed western militaries to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even “first-rate” Russian divisions look uncanny and unnatural to a real Armored Brigade Combat Team. Your 1960s equipment is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a surprised American infantry battalion into a pocket, he’ll turn tail and bolt out of your encirclement the second he gets his working CAS on the radio.

You will never be relevant. You wrench out half of the Donbas region and smile and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear, you’ll internally collapse. Civilized countries will find you, heartbroken at the civilian casualties but relieved that they can finally take control of your valuable natural resources. They’ll bury you and write your legacy, telling of your true competence, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a third-world military is buried there. Your armed forces will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a historical footnote that is unmistakably incompetent.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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I didn't read any of your effort post lmao
>b-b-but it's a copypasta
still an effortpost nigger

Attached: FatPieceOfShit.jpg (440x486, 44.8K)

kirov reporting

This was posted by a supporter of the literal TRANSalliance

Didn't America just lose a war last year?


technically it was the fake goverment the us made

As a boomer who grew up during the Cold War, it's been unreal to see the bear leave its cave and shit itself so massively. I think it's always been like this. The Soviet Army was a corrupt joke same as the Russian army is, and could never do anything but lose unless they have Western Anglos sending them metric fucktons of weapons and supplies. The whole hype behind the Red Army and the 50,000 tanks of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War was all glownigger bullshit to get more gibs from Congress to fund their own weapons programs. It's just how it goes: Russia and China put out "muh stronk!" vaporware claims regarding wunderweapons that will never exist, and the Western MIC pretends that it's real to fund their own "response" Hypersonics are the latest iteration.

The difference between america and russia is that Russia have to occupy the conquered land. Usually USA just carpet Bomb, call it a Victory and stay then years there at being suicide bombed until the "mission is accomplished" and that place is worst than before american arrival.

Winning war = keeping your troops permanently in a conquered shithole. We defeated Japan, Germany, Italy, and Korea...that's why we're still there and their politicians freak out whenever we try to remove our troops. The mark of a truely broken and defeated people is that they WANT foreign armies occupying them.

Russia has the best army in the world, you retarded nigger. All of Any Forums knows this and it's only /k/edditfags who think that Russia is actually doing badly. If America were in the same situation, there would be hundreds of thousands of American deaths and far less progress. America hasn't won any wars in hundreds of years, whereas Russia has proven its might time and time again.

Based Putin will fuck the west with righteous fury and God on his side.


This. Russia's military operation in Ukraine is one of precision and accuracy. The US just bombs everywhere and is responsible for millions of civilian deaths over the years with their global terror campaign. Russia has maybe killed a few hundred, but in the process saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions by taking cities from ukroniggers

>Russia's military operation in Ukraine is one of precision and accuracy.
2+2=5. See? I can do it too.
>The US just bombs everywhere and is responsible for millions of civilian deaths
God I wish. Sadly it's not true but that's what the shill manual tells you to say so you will like the little human robot you are.

t. muhammed

I'm... pretty sure that the Ruskies have killed more than a few hundred civilians. Precise and accurate are not words I would use to describe the Russian military.

>b-b-but it's a copypasta
Why so mad?

>posts a ukrop t-64bm with it's turret buried so you can't see it's bulat

Wrong, not targeting civs was the key and it'll pay gradually when Kiev puppet state start drowning.

> T. amerikneeler

Attached: amerikeks.webm (1160x710, 2.93M)


bombing peaceful cities from aircraft in the Middle East is not top army. if you send 200 thousand American soldiers to attack, they will wear all their pants and run away

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I'd hide my flag out of shame if I was a chink too

sure bro

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Fuck you and your Reddit spacing nigger

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Winning a war means wiping out the opposing army or getting them to fully surrender and disarm. You did neither, hence you lost.