CDC, experts, CNN, and fact-checkers say monkeypox is not cause for panic or concern
Your conspiracy theories have been debunked. Do not cause panic in society. There is no need for concern.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They said the same shit about covid back in dec 2019 and look where that got us.
Fuck, guess this is gonna be kinda big and we should be worried.

Pure physical silver is the cure for monkey pox btw. Also monkey pox is fake.

So we’re fucked then

they did?
mainstream media is the one that pushed the lockdowns lawl
you're all confused by cold war propaganda on what is real
so cute. get fucked

So you should all go to the monkey festival this weekend!

Only monkeys get monkey pox

isn't the universal rule of the universe that if a government or government-adjacent body says "do not panic" that is an indication that it is officially happening, whether it be manufactured or not?

The same kind of douchebags that claim shaking bed covers gives people heart attacks despite clear connection to leaky jabs.
Fuck these assholes, this shit is gonna escalate sky high.

Either a moron of a liar. Pelosi said "Come on down to China town!" in early 2020 to spite Trump's recommendations we stop travel to and from China.

Your conspiracy theories are a threat to our democracy. Please listen to reason.

Yes they did. Said covid was a nonconcern, that it wouldn't spread and our modern western hospitals and healthcare systems would have no problems handling it. Go look up December 2019 news from us and Germany, I remember it vividly, probably because I'm cursed with photographic memory. Stupid fucking glownigger. They were most likely trying to avoid a mass panic. I could see through that bs and told (then) friends to pucker up, that it'd kill more Americans than world war 2, but they didn't believe me.

Fuck. Those stupid motherfuckers haven’t been right about/told the truth about a single thing in 3 years. Head for the hills, boys, shits about to get real.
I’d unironically feel a lot better about it if they were freaking out; then I’d know it’s nothing.

>our democracy

More like our capitalist oligarchy/plutocracy

Dumbass glownigger

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looks like ill be wearing an N95 on the plane, then. im not getting monkey aids.

If you don't fuck dudes the risk is low. Women should be fine unless they are eating ass. I'm really hoping this thing wipes out the fags and degenerates.

I can't tell if you're stupid or a liar. The first reports were that Covid was basically fake news until it was totally real and TPTB supposedly knew exactly what to do about it. They basically sabotaged Trump's early containment methods.

In a few months when monkeypox is everywhere, remember this post.

Except we have all of it recorded and archived, you dumb monkey.

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Hmm where have we seen this before...

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>boy who cried wolf

This is the fucked up thing about CDC burning all its credibility. No one takes them seriously now. This may or may not be a big thing, but we’re essentially guidance free now.

Cool mam. Looks like it's actually airborne.
But I understand "buttsex funny hahaha REEEEE"

Déjà vu

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I expect the LARPing turbo faggots to carpet bomb entire nations, whilst stampeding each other on the way out, should an actual, uncontrolled biosecurity threat ever emerge.

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Nobody said shit in the US in December 2019. Nobody said shit until March 2020 here. And then it was full blast nonsense in no time.

Bros, do you remember a couple months ago that somebody was posting here that they were trying to launch smallpox again? That that was gonna be the next engineered pandemic? I don’t have a screenshot with me at the moment but I am pretty damn sure I’m right.

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These faggots are just going to do it all over again? WTF the chutzpa, at this point fuck it.

That is a baseless conspiracy theory. Do not spread nonsense rumors.

Gay ass memeflaggot nigger

what 3 letter agency are you employed at anyway?

G A I N. O F. F U N C T I O N



So I’m right.

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>if a government or government-adjacent body says "do not panic" that is an indication that it is officially happening


You have to use your discernment. There has always been monkeypox and it only ever amounts to 1 or 2 cases each year. Unless something massive changed about the virus' transmissibility recently, this is just an MSM cash grab for more clicks.

Everyone infected is a fag. So unless you make a habit of getting pozzed loads it actually isn't an issue.

No, you are comparable to a Flat Earther.

And they were right. It was the fucking flu. Literally.

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Spliced monxey pox/small pox together. Give it small pox spreading capabilities and monkey pox symptoms, enough to kill a lot and scare the fuck outta everybody, this leads to forced economic shut downs, loss of rights and restructuring of society. Theres my schizo theory.

That means that roughly two weeks from now the CDC will declare a national emergency pandemic, and hand all powers over to the WHO as per muh international pandemic response agreements.

The CDC is correct. Smallpox vaccines are effective against monkeypox. This is a complete nothingburger. Chuds need to stfu already


The media was 100% right the first time around though. COVID was in fact nothing more than a bad flu. It's all the bullshit fearmongering that came after that was the problem.
Looks like it's airborne. But I get it "buttsex funny fags are gay hahaha REEEE"

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Just like the safe and effective vaccine aye?

>Return to monke
>Get pox of monke
Literally all of you asked for this. Begged for it even.

>and hug a nigger

It's a live virus vaccine. So the VAIDS riddled vaxtards are gonna inject live monkeypox.

and the map isnt even up to date what a bunch of fuck up retards I'm panicking now.

Because it's not a virus.

>monkeypox is not cause for panic or concern
Take them outside, dig a pit, shoot them, burn the bodies, fill in the pit. No more lockdowns for this bullshit.

It is one of the first vaccines ever invented, almost 200 years ago. At the very least it has a history unlike the recent unknown mRNA stuff.

More likely it's the different vaccines lots triggering immunodeficiency all at once. Either creating carcinomas they are calling monkeypox or facilitating the rapid spread of a rare disease. Either way, the result will be the same as you said. It's unironically over. it has been an honor shitposting with you lads.

Poxy chan is harmless

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the day of the rake was a leaf protest that sparked countless others and possibly spawned a baltic war for distraction
>return to monke is a virus
the meme magic has been disrespected for too long, it's gone haywire

Someone should take that picture, change the date to sometime in the last week,
and repost it and see what happens.

People would have to "correct" it, but the best they'd be able to do is say "actually he said that a year ago".

Meh, nevermind. They'll pilpul it somehow, they'll say the science changed.