When are you going to grow up and realize blockchain is our absolute defense?

Quit day dreaming about going rambo and killing the elite
Quit day dreaming about surviing the end of the world in survival times with your trad waifu doing good honest work harvesting from the land.
you will be dead. you will be fucking dead if do no band together and unite as one spontaneously. Fortunately enough for you ungrateful lazy fucks I've already done all the hard work. You just have to trust me. So what's the plan? The plan is the run unstoppable wagers on global public events. We can build interest with small dollar amounts, spread the word, and as the protocol gets stronger it will become more of a forced to be reckoned with. There's more, but how am I supposed to get through to dense fucks that have no vision. That just want to be deluded thinking they're about to live a fucking movie. there is more to the plan and it's not complicated. it's simple instruction. At this point it's about a choice and getting people to be aware and make that choice.

Remember this, you have no excuse if shit hits the fan and you're living through hell. Truth is, I'm afraid that "my guys" are going to start using the same protocol behind this to also bring people into the new "system". They will trade their safety for their identity to be tied into the system, because we earn from that.

Attached: squid-games.png (596x520, 205.15K)

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The plan is the run unstoppable wagers on global public events.

What does that mean

holy shit we're all dead
it means we gamble on buildings getting blown up in the war

it means we gamble on the spread of the virus
we gamble on when and where its spreads.

it means we gamble on countries that get hit by the war. we gamble on when they get hit.

the implications of this are powerful. and the protocol behind it (the protocol responsible for the truth) can do much much more.

mother fuck

fucking get the fuck in here


we're all gonna die

Not if you don't let them

how do i make people care without going on a murder spree?

take the time to write a better message
convey it better
if its right it'll work, if it's not well idk sorry to be you senpai

Uncle Ted came to the same conclusion.
Anyway so what’s up? You got my attention.
How do you verify payouts on events?
Can anyone start a bet?
What’s the platform needed to do this?

Five words for a free humanity - chain neutral open source oracles.

I’m not very technical so I literally have no idea how that would work or if it’s even possible.

Also what’s all this hard work you’ve done?

when are you going to sniff my ass & call it candy

Attached: download.jpg (208x243, 15.65K)

this is exactly the tech that's in hand right here

it's limited. they have to be truths that are "globally accessible". Public truths. Sports is really easy. Incarcerations/captures are also pretty easy. Basically anything that's too small for the pile of money in the protocol to care about because "watchers" are promised to get paid on future truths if they just does its just correctly. The pool grows larger in dimension of value and time. (similar to proof of work )

Yes, anyone can start a bet, but the DAO/oracle has to approve it first.

This is "technically" not the "perfect" way of doing oracles. but it's damn near good enough because the money just wants to make money & most "truth" isn't relevant enough for people to risk getting emotionally involved.

by the time big media outlets are attempting to seal information or confuse the oracle, phase 2 will already be well underway.

Attached: elon-must've.png (788x647, 299.79K)

Solving the hardest problem in blockchain, fair DAOs, oracles, scalability, privacy identity, etc. DAOs are governance protocols. Ours is currently being used to govern the truth.

Listen I’m not going to lie, I don’t know much about crypto and I’m not a gambler per se. But I recognize the power both have and I have money.
What do you need?

I am. And I know it is. Anyone can spin up a chain. And oracles can create function.
That’s a white list approach - truth validation. Powered by someone’s opinion. This is where proof of stake can become consolidation of power. These are the systems the old guard is trying to hold onto. They will not work because humanity cannot be reduced to a binary state. These people are desperate to control what you think - I know, I’ve been in those rooms - they will not win.

You are retarded OP
>Be George Soros
>See faggots gambling and favoring event A
>Gamble for event B
>Invest millions into triggering event B
>Keep the faggots' money
It's amazing that a gay thread like this is not called operation something

Did you build this all yourself?

DAOs are a smoke screen. It’s the same as saying shareholder vote. Governance has to be absent opinion, truth above it, and voting relegated to rewards.

y-yes, haruhi
user, can you explain it for retards? We have a lot of summerfags here, pls help them understand in clear terms

Is this not just the stock market and shorting effected industries

Anyone who doesn't like crypto is either a shill or retarded
>Hurr durr money the glowies can't control is BAD!!!!
>Muh environment
it uses less electricity globally than washers and dryers use in the US

yeah, big technical challenge. the white list is elastic and it's impossible to compromise the voting shares.
that's why there are 2 steps, first something has to get approved. that sucks out a lot of opinion based requests. then those who participated in the DAO have to either tell the truth, or help everyone else will lie with them.

once you read the code, once you understand how the governance token is distributed by market forces, you'll see why I stand by my claims. And I am sound in reasoning, like I said, it's good enough for small truths. nobody has an emotional opinion about who won the sports game, well, maybe they do, but that's 1 team, in an ocean of money that gives no fucks.

so this will ride out for a while. and by the time we reach any gray areas, we can do oracles the right way, using this governance protocol to secure physical space and hardware in that space. as elegant as this thing is, "it's good enough" and I hate saying that as a perfectionist, but it actually is. & phase 2 is well underway

Okay well how could that even happen

>>Invest millions into triggering event B
good. you're starting to realize the implications

>Buy my bags
>which are literally backed by usd debt
Tether just revealed, usd treasuries are backing crypto. Nice "independent" currency you got there