White man hate thread

Since you incels make so many Haye threads for minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ members...

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i really hate whites for not fending off the jews and such

ayo wer me reperashion at

The "Brony" thing happened when """Payton""" was was 8 years old. I doubt this is his bedroom but I may be wrong.

No you hate yourself because you're incompetent and you will never be a real man

Only a racist white incel would have this room though


Whatr teh politicul ramerfactions fer threeed sturters who fuccks up speeeling fer teh teaser for teir thread?

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I think that what you're missing is that the sign is a subtle joke.

I hope everyone who has posted before me and after me ITT dies in a fiery car wreck.

Fake and gay nigger, get raped

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as a chinese, i dont hate whites in generall, however, i only hate those white pigs who have yellow girlfriends, it is disgusting

i see this is a memeflaggot thread. greetings fellow gayniggers


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>pony in a jar on the shelf

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Was he even white? I don’t think so


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>you will never be a real man
awwwe still butthurt over ywnbaw posting? :''3

If the feds didn't sabotage vermin supreme with wizards of the coast and Lauren Faust, he'd be too busy with his free pony to ever hurt anyone.

Looks comfy

>White man hate thread
good luck with that

Incel cope

So a normal day ending in y for you

Fuck faggots
Fuck niggers
Fuck jews
Fuck you

this thread got removed, it's too fake and gay even for reddit standards

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Still a racist brony white man's room soo...

Absolutely based.

But... this doesnt make sense... he said he started browsing in 2020? But /mlpol/ was way before that, no?

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