Attached: its joever.png (727x658, 186.25K)

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The smog is coming.

Jew political, funding and voting data:

Why do Jews hate Biden more than Trump?

Biden won, but you can assume 60% of his votes were people voting AGAINST Trump, no matter the democrat candidate, so yeah they got the least popular president elected and thats basically why he won..

What does this mean? Is Biden going to have to steal an election again?

>it's the equivalent of May 2018 right now
Damn how time flies.

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Americans are going to descend on Washington DC.
Joe must go
Joe must go

Election 2024 is going to be one of the most insane things any of us will ever witness, most likely.

White bros were we the actual subhumans all along?

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Trust me, he is trying to steal the midterms. They tried to create a ministry of truth, now they are going for monkeypox lockdowns /w mail-in ballots.

That's just among leftist pollsters that like Biden. In the real world he's close to flatlining. But fear not, grasshoppers; as we get closer to the November mid-term the media will nudge his and his party's approval ratings up in spite of the country going to hell fast.

Biden didn’t win

Americans are angry if no has noticed the amount of stupid things this government has done.

Rasmussen Reports
Trump's comparative May 20, 2018 results below reflect the downdraft of a over a year of daily fabricated kitchen-sink Russia collusion stories originating from Mueller's leakers, all designed to damage & de-legitimize Trump.

And now we know who gave the order to start all this. (Hillary)

You have to be stupid to believe biden won


They think you stupid
Slaves wearing masks is what they want
You won’t like what comes next

Absolutely shocked that many people still like that grinning death's head on a stick.

It's amazing it is even that high with all the miserable stuff going on.



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There's precisely 0 to negative infinity percent chance that Biden will get reelected after the disastrous shitshow of the past year.

As if it matters when they control the voting machines.

I have always voted Democrat. But this election I’m probably going to vote Republican.

Everyone left approving of him now falls in at least one of these three categories:
>insulated, well-off people who rarely engage with politics and gently go with whatever the status quo is, regardless of direction
>BLUE TEAM GOOD RED TEAM BAD team sports automatons still desperately clinging to TWUMP WOST WE HECKIN PWNED YOU NAZIS because that's literally the only thing left they have to justify their vote for Biden (which has caused them to fall into a similar trap that Trumpfags did immediately after he won 2016, of handwaving/excusing the blatant red flags of their guy actively betraying his voterbase)

Damn, that's even with the medias helping him out.