Trans should be removed from "LGBT"

LGB is all about "be yourself". Trans requires surgery, pills, therapy and radically alters the person. Trans is a virus infecting the LGB movement. Trans is radically different from LGB.

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I dont care I hate it all

T should be removed for being wildly inhumane and unreasonable. It's crazy what people have been convinced to do to their children. Manchusian syndrome in full swing everywhere. But in this bizarre real world version of The Emperor's New Clothes no one can say anything.

agreed... trans are something completely different entirely

It is amerimutts poisoning the movement. I will bully every single american gay or tranny i see unil they kill themselves. IDC about the rest

the surgery and hormone pills shouldnt be pushed on kids. that's beyond evil.

Tranny = tyranny

Ya. And trans tries to take over. Lesbian? Now a trans issue. Gay? Now a trans issue. Bi? Same thing...

You can't be gay bi or straight tho that's all fake
You like whatever looks sexy
Why would you have your whole personality based on what you enjoy?

LGB is just words that describe a thing. Not everyone makes "their whole personality" what they enjoy. But some do.

You can't make money off of the LGB, but the T is a money machine.

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So what if I like women but I find a type of men sexy to look at even have romantic interaction
''Oh YoU aRe Bi NoW''

Big Facts. Makes sense. People will push ANYTHING that makes big money. They have to do therapy, buy new clothes, makeup, etc. It's a whole market. Tshirts, music, tshows, movies, everything.

Define yourself bro. N

Not going to do it for you. Not my role.

Yes, that's literally what that means. It doesn't describe what kind of person you are. You're the one making it an identity when it's not. It's as much of an identity as "herbivore, carnivore and omnivore". It just describes what you go for. Not who you are or your personality.

Medical industry made a significant amount of money off the G, it's a well-established market, lots of research money
T is still relatively fresh ground is all

The L, G, B, and T should all be removed from life.

Don't forget the fat M

There really shouldn't be an L either. Lesbians are just gay unless you want to differentiate the sexes, in which case change G to F. Call it FLB for Faggots, Lesbians, and Bisexuals. Maybe add an O for other. Fuck it, just call the whole bunch Othersexual. That would solve so many problems.

Wait, we need to keep Bi chicks. How else will we get threesomes?

this. literally none of it makes sense besides Gay and even then its still degenerate.

"Gays" is commonly understood to only mean gay males.

except you are fucking wrong in that they refer to the entire community as the gay community. for a movement that doesnt believe in gender they sure are keen in differentiating between fucking every adjective to describe them butt fucking one another.

This could be our propaganda to kill the faggots from within, lets corrupt them by claiming we respect LGB but not T because of OPs arguments. Make them fight each other over it, provoke the feminists as well with Troons in sports etc. - The faggots will literally start a civil war in their fag movement.

Man, sometimes my Jewish ancestry is showing... *rubs hands*

All LGB people already hate trannies and try to push them out at every opportunity. It just doesn't get traction because Jews are the mouthpiece of every bit of media on earth and they won't let that message be heard anywhere.

Add this to the propaganda to radicalize the faggots, that way they sperg out and troons probably 42% faster, maybe we can save some dudes from turning into a troon?? Worth trying