Why is pol afraid of UBI?

ok, from all I know, we could right now, by massive public investment print trillions of FIAT money to basically automate, by 95-98% and increasing the worker in those jobs, like 500% right now, with our current industrial and technologically capabilities.

we could automate the production of the essential goods and services to cover the basic essential needs of a human (water, food, shelter, some gas to heat/cook, electricity and internet) to be given in enough quantities, not to be reach, but just enough to not physically suffer.

Having said that, It could be easily be covered with a basic guaranteed income enough to cover those needs, not at some rich level but some goverment project where our current goverments using already private companies which would then compete in the free market for goverment contracts to give the best deal to ensure a basic level of physical needs are meet.
Which is basically not diferent from the welfare system we have.

Basically this will solve poverty, hunger and decouple the illnesses of living having to work just to afford rent and food.

This would mean that people would have to like work or seek how to make money by means of voluntary work, maybe people could be rewarded with some voucher in exchange of doing shit like cleaning the streets or just taking care of old people or like planting trees.

Also, companies would not be able to exploit poor people because people wont be exploited if they have guaranteed enough to not starve to death or freeze in winter.

This could mean that people will pool their free time into comunity projects, like massive infraestructure projects, for FREE, because their physical needs would be meet and they're now free to work in voluntary work.

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Bro what the fuck is all that shit you wrote? Finland tried UBI and said it was gay. So it's over.

Because it enables spics and niggers to breed without consequence.

Any Forums hates UBI out of the same reasons anyone votes for the rightwing. Racism. Any Forums hates everyone and wants them to suffer. The rightwing is a deathcult. So they vote to trash their society rather than fix it and make it pleasant. Then they complain about "the niggers" trashing cities due to the suffering and trauma caused to them by oppressive rightwing policies. It's all entitlement and narcissism on the part of rightwingers. It's terrible. These people will never vote for anything that isn't pure hatred. That doesn't exist to cause pain and suffering to their fellow man. And that's because they know nothing but hate and deep down, beneath all of the narcissistic "muh racial superiority" rhetoric is a profound self-hate, as is the case with all narcissists

Because UBI would just be another way for the kleptocrats in government to control and steal from everyone. Stop looking for the government to take care of you. That’s not what government does.

UBI needs to begin, along with houses that can be speed built, at the same time disruptive technologies are introduced (free energy). The stranglehold employers and governments have over people will then be broken and a new golden age will be ushered in. This will only happen after the trial events of 2020-2030 have finished though

You could provide sustenance to the creatures of Earth by leaving food waste out in the open. It costs you nothing to leave your flat soda drinks and your spoiled leftovers out for anything to eat.
It would be free.
But we do not, because in practice it leads to nothing but an infestation of creatures we would rather keep away from ourselves and our property.
Rats, cockroaches, wasps, ants - all creatures capable of being a nuisance at best and a destroyer of people and property at worst.
It is for the same reason that we do not support UBI. You do not provide sustenance to pests because all you get is more pests.

it's not that i am afraid it's just that i am not gay

I didn’t read that shit

UBI is just the elites given crumbs so the people won’t revolt. The government doesn’t help you but works against its people.

>trial events
By trial events, I mean, not everyone will make it. Vax, wars, routing out shitty people

Because it has to be done properly so they they don't destroy the economy and the globalists pushing this shit are incompetent beyond my ability to describe.

the money is fake. consider that our entire populatoin labors their entire life away to horde and trade piles of fake papers. the problem with UBI is it enables all the problems of living for fake paper to persist, by solving solve of the problems fake paper causes. only some of the problem. people dont need universal basic income. people need to guaranteed standard of living full stop (no money). this way, working always means having more wealth than not working and there is no free money inflation problem.

remember the government giving money doesn't make more food. by restricting the government to giving away only what actually exists, you prevent the state gib machine from running wild and taking over the economy. current free gibs is 50% of the fed budget, and government spending itself (all levels) already is almost 50% of GDP. As in the government is half the economy right now which is madness.

Huh? What a bunch of retarded rightwing ranting. Your government extorts rent from people. Your government evicts people. Your capitalist government is the reason people have expenses to start with. So this "muh small government" republican stale cliche is tired and illogical

i am for UBI, but i wouldn't really consider myself Any Forums, i just lurk.
pol is mostly retards who think the buffalo shooting was fake so expecting any sensible opinion out of them is wishful thinking

Basically if you support capitalism you have no right to say "small government" or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or "earn your own way" ever. Your capitalist government and everything it stands for is entirely antithetical to all that. So no. Just no. Your comment is retarded, thinly veiled racist boomer bullshit.

I'm fine with the elites going easier on the masses, but this is not the way. Being reduced to even greater dependency on their largesse is a social credit nightmare waiting to happen. Banning usury and cancelling funny money altogether would be a much better approach to solving poverty and hunger. If you're agitating to be fed like a pet, you're embracing pet status.

Why don’t they just let me keep the money I earn?
I am actually in favor of UBI, but I will not give away bodily autonomy for it.

What fucking world are you from?
The US government does not extort rent from people or evict anybody. Those are done by private citizens and businesses.
If anything, the government reduces rent through subsidized housing programs and prevents landowners from evicting people outside of specific circumstances. Do you not remember the eviction moratorium?

Capitalism isn't why people have expenses. People have expenses because they need food and shelter to survive, medicines to heal them, and other such things. Those needs would not disappear if we "abolished capitalism"
Capitalism provides a method through which people can specialize in fulfilling one want or need of humanity and exchange those products for those from other specialists. Instead of one person fulfilling all of their needs independently but poorly, we specialize into one or a handful of things that we do well using labor and exchange that labor or the products from it in order to fulfill our other needs that are done well by another specialist.
That is the basis of a market, and businesses and corporations are just layers on top of that underlying principle.

Did I ever, even once, claim to support small government? You are bulling shit right out of your own ass.
Some people are contributors, and some people are not. Contributors should be rewarded. Noncontributors should not be rewarded.
UBI rewards noncontributors at the expense of contributors. You can try to dress that up any way you want, but that's what it is.

OK so I see the stereotypical libertarian wall of schizo text and 2nd line I see
>The US government does not extort rent from people or evict anybody.
And I'm not reading past that. Get an education. Learn the very basics of government and society and capitalism and what "capitalism" is and means. I'm not reading one singular line past this but I predict you wrote a bunch of retarded lolbert schizo bullshit about this fake vision of "what real capitalism" is that has no basis in reality and means nothing to anyone other than yourself

>OK so I see the stereotypical libertarian wall of schizo text and 2nd line I see
>>The US government does not extort rent from people or evict anybody.
>And I'm not reading past that. Get an education. Learn the very basics of government and society and capitalism and what "capitalism" is and means. I'm not reading one singular line past this but I predict you wrote a bunch of retarded lolbert schizo bullshit about this fake vision of "what real capitalism" is that has no basis in reality and means nothing to anyone other than yourself
And PS we're done here. So don't bother replying or if you do don't expect a reply back

>I don't want to read your reply because I know I can't win an argument so I'm just gonna keep building up my strawman

afraid? thats like saying im afraid of smoking cigarettes. no nigger. im just not stupid.

>Why is pol afraid of
Nigger this is your thread