Why don't manlets and guys with weak chin jump on the bodyshaming bandwagon to increase their perceived social value...

Why don't manlets and guys with weak chin jump on the bodyshaming bandwagon to increase their perceived social value like overweight and other ugly women do?

They could complain all they want without being labeled the taboo "I" word.

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Men are rational.

Because short ugly men are absolutely worthless in the eyes of society , women are repulsed by them
Fat ugly women still have pussies atleast

Because nobody will show them any sympathy, both men and women will use the whining to further ridiclue them

>tfw 5'11 pretty boy with 6 inch dick
it's strange, living on the edge of oblivion

chin implants and rhinoplasties for men are unironically S+ tier surgeries, just make sure you do your research right
>inb4 imagine caring what women think
lookism goes just past women

Body shaming fat girls doesn't make people want fat girls you retarded faggot

Because all that shit really does is points out how insecure you are and highlights your flaws which everyone still secretly laughs at

I fuck fat girls

Men aren't obsessed with societal approval like women are. Ugly men know they are ugly, and live their lives accordingly.

And people are not repulsed by fat women? They kept playing the victim card until it became taboo to criticize them and now they are even considered beautiful sometimes socially.

Imagine being 5'6" slayer with 6in dick. It's a bizarre life desu.

I dont mind fat girls as long as they arent really really fat. I like I nice fatty
If you were high T youd get it

Fat women can still manage to reproduce, go check the nearest Walmart to see proof

It's not the same lol come on, how do you save a pic like that but still hold onto this idea that men and women are equal and women are just doing something better than men?

>short ugly men
there is a reason why short ugly fuckers like me still get pussy: attitude
it doesnt matter if you are a tall pretty boy if you live sperging 24/7, and have 0 social skills bc all u did in your childhood was play vidya and masturbate to tranny anime
t. 5'6 mixed race, married a white wimin

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>bodyshaming bandwagon to increase
thats not how that works, retard.
what the bodyshaming bandwagon did was make being fat and disgusting yet another MuhOppression Card, so naturally more women decided to be fat and disgusting.
It worked by making fat and disgusting women more common, and thus lowered the bar.
Most men don't give a shit about the Oppression Olympics so they wouldn't try to make themselves less than they are for oppression points.
Also, it's pretty much impossible to make yourself shorter and uglier so it wouldn't work.

I think the problem is their is no unity among them(which makes sense I guess because men are more individualist) and when they complain they come off as being too aggressive.

They need to group up and use the same tactics those landwhales use.

fat = low T since its associated with lower standards


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Women always support each other, men don't.
That's one of the reasons women have all the power and men are worth nothing.

>Most men don't give a shit about the Oppression Olympics
Yes it think this is the problem. Men don't have a hivemind like women.

Also you can't change your height and bone structure. It's something that you were just cursed with the moment you were born so I think calling out bodyshaming based on your genes is reasonable. Weight on the other hand is something you can change.

european female vs male island survival show

all female businesses failing

all female built bridge falling

etc etc

Okay Any Forums riddle me this:

Two men are in a gym dressing room changing clothes, both are naked at the moment in question.

The first man is 6’4”, jacked, and has a slayer face but a 5 inch penis

The second man is 5’8”, weak with a bit of bodyfat, has an incel face, but has a 7 inch penis

Which of the two men is at that particular moment in time being mogged?

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Obviously the manlet incel
Most retarded question I've ever seen on this site

6'4 is as rare as an 8 inch dick

anyway face > dick size