Love God

> Love God.
> Love your neighbor as yourself.
> Forgive others who have wronged you.
>Love your enemies.
>Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
>Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
>Repentance of sins is essential.
> Don’t be hypocritical.
> Don’t judge others.
>The Kingdom of God is near. It’s not the rich and powerful—but the weak and poor—who will inherit this kingdom.

These are the teachings of Christ.
If you do not adhere to them you are NOT a Christian.
If you cherry pick parts of the bible to undermine these teachings, you are not a Christian. Utilizing the Jewish parts of the bible for this purpose is unchristian .

A Christian puts the teachings of Christ before any other source of knowledge.
Hermeneutics are a sin.

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Which God?

sounds pretty gay

>If you do not adhere to them you are NOT a Christian
While saying
>don't judge others
I think that falls into
>don't be a hypocrite
Here's an idea, worry about the plank in your eye before removing the spec in others

This is the part where he tells us to burn in hell because his other fallacy’s didn’t work

What if your neighbor wants to erase your culture and religion? Love him anyway?

No wonder Christianity is dead and dying. It's practically a joke religion to make people stupid.

Adhere to the teachings of christ, the son of God. If you do not, you are not a Christian. You are not a follower of the teachings of Christ.

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bot detected abandon thread

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

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The Indi Sermon Collection

On forgiveness and sinning.
Trust in God as an excuse to do nothing
Appealing to the masses, but abbominable to God
Confusing mercy and patience with weakness

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I will not worship a man.
You're telling me worship a fucking guy as a god.


I hate to twist your mind but God & I are not on your side. You should have known the price for evil.

It is the weakest, most womanly religion possible.
White people who worship the God of some warrior desert nomads from the Levant are well beyond help.

thanks based blessed turkroach scumbag go home

Militant Christianity was a thing. You can fight your enemies, destroy each and every one of them. This is allowed in Christian Holy War.

For example, see the Speech at Claremont, and the First Crusade.

>If you do not, you are not a Christian.
You've already demonstrated you don't do this

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None of it biblical either

Don't forget you are here forever.

these are the teachings of christ. If you do not adhere to them, you are not a chrisitan. You are not a follower of the teachings of christ

Jannies don't forget you do it for free.

This is an extremely Jewish perversion of Christianity.
Fuck off with it.
Just surrender goy you will get a reward later I promise.
I created you to suffer under these kikes who murdered me and I will not intervene.
Christianity needs a warrior reformation where it tosses out all of the shit that jews maliciously added over the years.
Or it needs to step outside not for some dogma about old Gods that has also been corrupted.
But for a new living Aryan religion. That is made by us and puts us first and names our enemies as anyone who wants to parasite of of us or hurt or inconvenience us in any way.

Outsiders get no say in it and their opinions are worthless. The only people who would object view us as cattle or have other malicious plans.

these are the the teachings of christ. If you do not adhere to them you are not a chrisitian.

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>If you do not adhere to them, you are not a chrisitan.
You Demonstrated you don't do this

Sure Ishtar pig we believe you.

Fuck off and fuck your version of Christianity, self-destructive EVIL horse shit.

>don't judge others
>don't be hypocritical
Guess you're not a Christian

I destroy Galaxies with my Dad God. Don't fuck with me I have already destroyed 12736 Earth like worlds. I will kill everybody.