Is there any REAL possible way to decrease Inflation all around the world ?

Is there any REAL possible way to decrease Inflation all around the world ?

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If you think anyone is trying to "fix" inflation you are COMPLETELY missing the point

Literally, just like, kill all Jews.

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Nope, greedy company owners will keep raising prices to take advantage of the common folk.

Could you please tell me what I am missing ?

You don't promote degenerate social fabric, kill unity and then blame the ones you poisoned. That should be a start.

Everyone start burning money

Uh, yeah. But it'll take sacrifice, which millennials and zoomers are hopelessly incapable of.

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He is an incel and thinks Central Banks (Good Banks) are just pretending to fight inflation. Fighting inflation would mean Government would be able to spend less and also private citizens and companies. But I think we... I mean they, will be able to do so without a total and utterly meltdown of the US and world economy

don't look at me faggot

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>Is there any REAL possible way to decrease Inflation all around the world ?
The world allows the usdollar to collapse to a level the global market accepts, a level representing its true value.

You could burn piles of money.

reduce demand by killing everybody


Genocide of africans outside of their original continent, it would also reduce the amount of shitty threads here.

exterminate jews who created fractional reserve banking and use their wealth to get rid of debt and usury
otherwise going back to exchange trade but its going to be problematic as hell

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Gas the kikes


The negroes here are making fun of it (that’s how apes react to criticism), but jews are printing insane mountains of money and using it to speculate with everything they can, this is causing a massive instability.

this is a controlled demolition of the west. you'll wish you could eat the bugs before this is all over.

Kill the jews.

When jews give you debt, make them take the debt back. Say "I don't need your damn debts what am I supposed to do with these?"

Goddamn Jews, why would enjoy destroying humanity. Do they have a kind of inferior complex from all civilizations of the world ?

Dude, just focus on your life right now. stay strong and do what you got to do to meet a good counterpart and have as many kids as you possibly can.

Set up dual economy for your nations religious majority. Then join said economy. Charge their without your peoples choice of currency. A markup of 40% for enchanted rates/inflation. If it's illegal, make club card members based on social media projections and have it really hard to be approved for .

Inflation is a meme to get retail to stick their money in "equity"
If interest rates continue raising, all of this extra cash will be gobbled up by the trillions of worthless debt that has to be repaid

Kill Jews

economies are make believe

>economies are make believe

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i.e. Bankers, journalists, politicians, academics.

Wipe the slate clean.

That's what the monkey pox is for.

Yes, same way we did it every other occasion.

No, mate.
It will end when 99% people will owe nothing

It’s part of your mental problem, psychopathy. Even this shitty thread is an example of you seeking attention and mobbing.

> It’s going work this time because it is in the name of Chessus.


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Need to change the whole system like a giant reboot, a huge restart or a great reset if you will.

Immediately stop printing money and raise interest rates to encourage saving not spending. But every country is drunk on debt so really the only way to pay back the debt is via inflation. Just think about what Venezuela did. They printed so much money that a doctor's pension plan wound up being worth a single steak dinner. Once governments inflate the shit out of everything, debt will be "paid" back by everyone else, especially savers.

Yes, they raise interest rates considerably which is exactly what they are going to do.

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Execute all leftists.

First of all you niggers need to understand that it's not muh war and muh logistic chains causing inflation, it's pic rel. In other words, it was the money printing during the Covid lockdowns. And the way to combat monetary inflation is to raise interest rates and raise them fast... But that will probably cause a major economic depression since we're already at the end of cycle. It's all fucked.

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Creating a recession will do it. But that creates different problems. Halving inflation should be possible.