I'm here to save you from globohomo and trannies chu...I mean user. Let me inside...

I'm here to save you from globohomo and trannies chu...I mean user. Let me inside, oh wow nice washing machine you have there.

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>t. Gypsy

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Ukraine lost. Cope.


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Lol nice try nato faggot that loves Biden that stole the election and forced unconstitutional mandates onto everyone now expects me to hate Russia all of a sudden. And fuck that cocaine addict homo zelensky for taking all our money. Fuck all those slimey Jew worshippers.

Lmao my fucking sides

>Im gonna liberate your doghouse

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I’m also supposed to fucking care about hating Russia when our own government attacked us in summer of 2020 too??? Really?? While they demonized me for being white and tried ruining my life for being white???

get back in the severodonetsk cauldron. No squealing now only dreams

>Ukraine lost

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uhm the fighting is continuing?

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Europeans are not white. They cannot get along. They cannot cooperate, and the rest of the world will be better off when all these bitch ass, tiny, squabling little nigger states stop docking dicks together and decide to do something about jews or muzzies. But they won't, because none of them are really white.

Imagine being American and typing this post. Truly devoid of a sense of irony let alone self-awareness.

>Ukraine lost.

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>I'm here to save you from globohomo and trannies chu...I mean user. Let me inside, oh wow nice washing machine you have there.

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Those are Ukrainian spies Russians are Orc's

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Neironic sper că Rusia să câștige și curul tău să experimenteze ce au experimentat nemțoaicele după Stalingrad.

Ce curva proasta esti, posteaza cu steagul Romaniei si nu mai fii atata curva proasta pentru pula de rus.
Rusii s-ar caca in gura noastra daca ar putea, nu le pasa de tine baiete.

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Dada. Și Ion de la Washington cu toată gașca lui le pasă de se pișă pe noi. Și vezi că o parte din mocangeala trimisă la haholi e și din banii părinților tăi băi prepubertar opărit.

In primul rand am 25 de ani, in al doilea rand americanii ne apara de rusi.