Where the world wants to move to

Uh oh, weebros

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North America

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South America

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Any country that wants to move to Canada is insufferable and self-destructive.


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Stay mad burgershits get your shots if you want to come here

Pretty much like Canada itself

Yeah, that's bullshit. I've never heard anyone say they'd want to go on holiday to canada, let alone move there. If people talk about moving it's always south europe or south-east asia

Exactly my point.

who the wants to emigrate to Japan overcrowded dystopian hellhole

How about we leave current german land to Pooland, Czechs and Romania and get their land in return*
*existing non-european and europan immigrants within present Germany unconditionally stay where they

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but SEAs is a shit hole, yes I live there so I know
may be saving for a few places like Singapore, but the cost of living is also as high as any first world country so it doesn't matter much in the end

Indonesia Malaysia are expensive???

LoL @ Canada and Germany.

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>but SEAs is a shit hole
A cheap shithole, with nice weather usually.

do libs, leftists, and beta faggots realize that japan is way moire conservative than the US?

It’s like America but instead of Mexicans that entered illegally there’s Muslims that they brought in on purpose.

T. Hammond refugee

Neat that all of Hispanoamerica wants to go back to spain... well, except mexico