Need alternative pox treatments

List here the options to protect yourself from smallpox or monkeypox.
We can safely assume the official vaccine will be used for sterilisation/depopulation/mind-control/mark of the beast transhumanist type of stuff.

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it's not easy to get, you'd need to be in a close proximity to a carrier, aka having sex with her/him

just avoid niggers

Or shaking their hand.
Or touching a door knob they touched.

how does it enter the cell?
how does it move from cell to cell?
disrupt that.

Yes, it's an anti-viral and antibiotic. But I've yet to see a study conducted on Monkeypox.

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>Said cases in Europe have been classified as belonging to the West African clade, which has a fatality rate of

They may have have made it airborne tho.

then people will start dying in spain and portugal and you will get the information to prepare your cure.

I don't think you realize how the middle east was constantly festering with disease before the western powers settled there.

They're not really the people you want to listen to when it comes to hygiene and healthcare.

I would imagine this being released one day in the future, so it's good to know about cures/treatments ahead of time

it's also likely that what works on one pox will work on others
cowpox offered immunity to smallpox
the smallpox vaccine offers protection to monkeypox
so maybe playing with cow udders may help build immunity to turning into a monkey, though there must be other things that help

catching the common cold offered protection against covid, which was probably why 90% of people who caught it had no symptoms or mild symptoms

Why are they even releasing this? The boomers are already vaccinated against small pox. Is it possible to get the old vaccine now before they shut it down and only allow a new one?

>By the end of XIXth century several surgeons and practitioners related to the US army, as well as the prestigious botanist Charles F. Millspaugh (1892), described the use of poultices and infusions from the Indigenous medical flora based on the plant Sarracenia purpurea (family Sarraceniaceae) to be effective for treating smallpox, in a likely case of medical appropriation of the Indigenous therapeutic knowledge (Lawrence-Mackey, 2019). Known by Native Americans (Mi’kmaq people) as Mqo’oqewi’k, also named purple pitcher plant, it belongs to a genus of carnivorous species that use modified pitcher-shaped leaves to trap insects. Possibly, the spotted appearance of the plant (Figure 2), resembling one of the main clinical signs of the disease (Clarke, 1996), inspired its use to the Indigenous people. This may be another example of the doctrine of signatures, an ancient concept by which God somehow indicated to men what plants would be useful for, by certain signs (Coles, 1657), a pseudoscience which has caused more harm than good in general, although exceptions appear. Compelling descriptions of their effectiveness were recorded, such as ‘‘the greatest remedy known for the dreadful scourge’’ or “‘it seemed to arrest the development of the pustules, killing, as it were, the virus from within” (Clarke, 1996). The advent of vaccination put forward the botanical remedy, but the antiviral properties of Sarracenia purpurea have been later demonstrated in vitro (Arndt et al., 2012). The authors showed that the plant extract was not only active against smallpox, but also against other poxviruses, papovirus SV-40 and various herpes viruses, including papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus-associated carcinomas, usually by inhibiting the virus replication at the level of early transcription (Moore and Langland, 2018).

pitcher plants aye?

I guess they want dead kids to blame it on anti-killshotvaxxers

I ordered a bunch of seeds, hopefully I can find a spot where they will grow. This variety are supposed to survive canadian winter.

I'm gonna try this

>Compound in red wine, chocolate prevents smallpox virus cousins from replicating

>"Resveratrol is a small, natural compound in many plants like grapes, cocoa beans, peanuts and blueberries," said Shuai Cao, postdoctoral researcher studying the effects of resveratrol on viruses. "Our recent study found that high concentrations of resveratrol — higher than anything you may find in food naturally — prevent poxviruses from replicating in human cells."

>"There are many poxviruses that infect many species and they share similar mechanisms to replicate their DNA," Cao said. "Resveratrol works to inhibit replication in two of them — the vaccinia virus and monkeypox — so it should be able to inhibit other poxviruses as well."

I wonder how they concentrate it or if they can do it in a pill, it would be far cheaper and far safer to use this for dealing with pox outbreaks

Will look it up thanks

>However, antiviral drugs have been approved by the FDA to treat smallpox and would be available in case the disease was ever active again

interesting, least there's no excuse for forcing vaccination then

> If I was vaccinated for smallpox am I immune to the disease?

>Not necessarily. Immunity from the vaccine may only last 10 to 15 years, so people who received the vaccine as children might be susceptible if they’re exposed to smallpox.

you can get resveratol as a supplement, but I'll have to see what dosages in the paper are required to stop replication

This would not be an mrna experimental injection, but a real attenuated vaccine.

Still, I hope someone analyzes the vax, to see it is actually what they claim it is.

I don't trust pharma companies, the government, nor healthcare industry, after the rampant lies we've just seen.

some extra reading on nipah virus

might be good to look up what works for hendravirus, hantavirus, bird flu as well since they may emerge in the future, and maybe the internet wont be around or google doesn't work