It this shit fucking airborne or not, answer me

It this shit fucking airborne or not, answer me.

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it's a bioweapon you dumb nigger of course it is.
have you been paying attention the past 3 years memetard faggot?
hope you and your whole family die horrible deaths from monkeypox.

Cov was so I assume yes. There is no escape they will release them. Bill gates said about it unless you kill all your masonic leaders and kikes you will never have good life.

transmits by droplets
and analsechs (actually the liquid from the putules is the most lodaed with pathogens)

Only fags are getting it so don't wor- oh sorry, OP.


someone failed their biology class

It can only be transmitted through sexual intercourse so you're fine.

Doesn't matter they will put this shit on food or some small flying insects.

no, it doesnt you dumb fucking anglowhore

never been so glad to be sex no haver

just dont inhale droplets bro

It's airborne. You are fucked.

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they dont need to given how people are retarded
think about it:
how many people you think used their ppe correctly during coof?

Obviously airborne. It's spreading at light speed. No way it's only sexually transmitted, it's already in all the continents. Clearly engineered bioweapon.

>transmits by droplets
then it's airborne since it can fly n shit
just wait two more week aniway

Fags cramming their dicks into the feces drop off zone isn't sex.

>gaybois aren't having buttsex with monkeys and men on every continent

lmao bc you think a cloth mask is gonna cut it?
>vaxxtards ARE fucking retarded

How did the cov got carried to all countries if it's not easy to transmit. Cov was air born no doubt.

then it's airborne since it can fly n shit
it is not.
the difference is that droplets hang around only for 45 minutes in the air, and need to be produced by a living person.

airborne means it fucking everywhere

It only affects gays

No, it's transmitted through safe & effective syringe

yes, how else would you make a bioweapon effective?

this goy gets it. shut him down.

Attached: goyim_knowing.webm (1006x1078, 1.63M)

The cov was modified to stay longer and not die by sun/heat. They can do it with this too no?

dick born, nigger

Don't trust doctors.

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No airborne means the virus/bacteria is lighter or almost light as air and can float around in a slight wind.

if you are scared of this you learned nothing from 2 years of covid.

You really think this is a natural occuring virus that was just imported by coincidence by some monke fucking nigger, now do you? After Bill Gates venting about it for a year? After the WHo doing an entire simulation on this outbreak in 2021, giving the FUCKING DATE as 15th of May 2022?


It's not real. Just like covid.

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Its vaxxborne and bloodborne, but only on playstation

It's just another psyop... Get over it already

you scratch your nose through the mask
>congrats you have coof on your hands free to be dispersed on any surface you touch.

lets say youre on the sub.
people touch the same ramp/handla/seat you touched.
then scratch their eyes bc they spent countless hours in front of a screen.

congrats- you have successfully infected someone.

and no, droplets still dont mean its airborne.
its similar, but its not the same.
if monkypox epidemic is a thing, then you better know this shit in its minutiae