All senate Republicans voted against price controls for Gas

all senate Republicans voted against price controls for Gas

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Good price controls are retarded

>Good price controls are communist

Worked out real well in the 70s.

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Anyone who voted for it should be hanged.
There's stupidity, and then there's price controls.

You may not sell bread for more than two denarii so says the senate. I guess that solves that little problem. Looks like I really am the best emperor! Triumphus victoria!

The government is responsible for the price..but not allowed to control the price or the company.

American's grow tired of these games it's time to nationalize the industry just like basically all other major producing nations

That's even dumber than price controls.
Unironically kill yourself.

Price controls lead to shortage

Price controls create shortages, retard. Republicans saved the nation AS USUAL

Price controls don't increase the supply. They artificially reduce the price, which then increases the demand. People will buy more fuel and this will increase consumption while the supply remains the same. So this means shortages, as in people who want to buy more can't because there just isn't any.

Found the commie faggot.

Why Putin did it

The current and recent administrations are accountable for the price, but they should not directly control the price. At least not unless we completely changed how the economy works, but that'd require a different society and likely a lot of conflict.

Why the fuck would you think the Government, who is responsible for this current crisis, would be able to solve the same problem they caused? You're fucking retarded.

>Republicans voted against price controls for Gas

No Price Controls.
>>My God that is a high price for gas !!! I will buy some but limit my driving for a while.
Price Controls.
>>>There is No Gas. The Station closed .

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Price controls create shortages and empty gas stations. You think you're helping poor people to afford gas, but you end up having no gas for poor people.

There is no supply issue.
"Supply and demand" is a false concept.
Gasoline isn't a rare piece of art that people are willing to get into bidding wars to possess.
The only time there has been a gas station with with empty tanks in the last 40 years is when there's a panic and people line up to fill their cars.
Then the station owner calls his supplier and a truck is sent to fill his tank and 6 hours later he's selling fuel again.

Remember in 2019 we were energy independent. $2 gas and it was going down.

What were gas prices under the last two Republican presidents? And what are they under the last two Dems?

I don’t care what fucking party you side with, this dumb senile nigger has done nothing to help anyone. I don’t care who controls him or whatever, the current guard are snakes and it should be obvious.

Most popular President to most unpopular within a year or so? Come on man!

>have price controls
>no price controls

Good, it is retarded to let the federal government set energy prices.

Are you surprised? The Democrats occasionally need to toss their voters a crumb the Republicans are just open unrepentant Zionists

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Price controls make it worse. See also: the 1970s.

The fucking NPCs can't remember what they were told to hate yesterday, how will they remember the '70s?

Create a bill to increase production, not put price controls on the already incredibly limited production.


Price control would only mean shortages since people would by the crap out of it to resell or save it. Supply increase is what would fix this.

>muh price controls
cause deficit and black market

Demand for gasoline is not very elastic. People have a minimum amount of driving that they're always going to be required to do (work, etc). Capping gas prices isn't going to cause everyone to suddenly decide to take cross-country road trips.

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>I'm retarded and what is OPEC
The trolling and baiting gets exhausting sometimes, frens