Any Forums magic sharing thread

Some spells I know are I can conjure replies from the aether, aslo I can cast a powerful yawning curse.

Attached: misc_03424.png (411x487, 247.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I know few spells.
"HAPOONING" - actually does nothing.
"TWO WEEKS" - good one, transfer of any event for two weeks into the future.
"TOU MOTHER DIES" - if you don't reply this post

memeticism frennercial 1:

memeticism frennercial 2: [NEW]

what is memeticism?
>"Memeticism is the fusion of Soul alchemy and memetics. In essence, it is the “Art of art” as it pertains to identity in the information age. Memeticism can be practiced across all mediums of creative expression, but is most powerful in its digital memetic form. Memeticism can be thought of as the art nd science of “drawing with ideas”, “alchemic cultural collaging” or “memetically mediated identity integration”. Identity is the canvas, culture is the paint, and the world is the easel."

introduction to memeticism:

>where can i find all your memæsis?

>what else you got?

christcemic - memetic christianity
>"The Christian meme of Divine Redemption is indisputably the most extraordinary and extravagant meme that has ever graced humanity. The Divine Redemption meme is no ordinary meme, it is a class entirely of its own, a class which explicitly subsumes all other memes and memeplexes. The Divine Redemption meme is a metaphysical ubiquitous alchemic proposition that allows the imperfect to increase Perfection. From a magical-memetic perspective, the internal and external mechanics of the Divine Redemption meme may be understood in a practical and spectacular way.

Honktopia new world order - free 501 card meta balanced playable 2020 user metamemeplex
>"Premier fully functional + meta balanced hyper-compressible meta-memeplex psycho-cultural-alchemic-memetic technology that uses neurolinguistics, hyper-juxtaposition, and other methods to circumvent synthetic epistemics while programming the players into a 4g/5g warfare psycho-spiritual frame."

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Go away

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Why isn't Any Forums remote viewing political adversaries?

Remote viewing works. We should be leveraging this.

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Attached: FR3N3M.gif (1067x3333, 2.79M)