It's been too long bros. Poll time.


Attached: poll.png (649x476, 23.72K)

I vote no, the left can't meme

I vote yes, we can meme

I don't see my vote. Does this shit even work anymore?

Where is the "not voting" option?

Where is the option for SVT?


Attached: 1652935464566.jpg (750x413, 31.59K)

wtf did ((they)) shut it down?

no idea. i was just trying to be a good goy and participate in your thread

Attached: 1652939170967.jpg (403x532, 21.63K)

results not shown

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-19 at 11-13-12 Which Republican are you voting for in 2024.png (825x710, 36.03K)

No option for Tucker?

I noticed this, too, as well as no option for Ron Paul.

It doesn't matter who anyone votes for. The fraud that took place in 2020 has not been fixed. The counters of the vote will determine who the winner is.

maybe they don't want republicans using it. try making a poll with obfuscated language

Attached: 1641779311968.jpg (608x600, 135.56K)

If you don't vote Jeb your not going to make it in this guac bowl inner elite.

Elon Musk can't run for president. He's African American

Isn't Ted Cruz Canadian?

I just tried it. Didn't work. Sadly, I think the site is broken now.

What if you're a robot?

then you can't vote

This is a bullshit poll.

They have the option to vote for every candidate, but you have to scroll down to see the options.

It's obviously a scam.