What is so wrong about the so famous Replacement theory?

What is so wrong about the so famous Replacement theory?
It eliminates racism
It creates a superior creature called hybrid vigor (scientifically proven)
Mixed people are best looking
Why are you so against it?

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>1 post by this ID
>divisive racemixing opinion

But... who...?

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It creates a a rootless slave cattle that has to have a culture made for them and they are easier to rule over.

Why would I want to eliminate racism?


>genocide is good because i prefer the people who are doing the genocide

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>it eliminates racism
lol how?

What is this creature called?

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You’re the first reply moron

I'd be ok with this if we had some kind of way to separate the two. Like, I could go out and date any woman I wanted to.

So what will happen when literally everyone on Earth will be equally mixed (assuming humanity will last long enough)? I'll tell you what: any further reproduction will count as inbreeding.

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>jumping to the defense of his Jewish masters
>American flag
Every fucking time. Let's see if I was wrong about OP only posting once, shall we?

There is nothing wrong with racemixing. Only racists are against it but love is stronger than hate.

Do you have a crystal ball that can see the future? You have no idea what will happen to mixed race person. And I have news for you friend, the west and America was very ‘white’ the past 100 years and now the west has basically been enslaved by huge government and central banks. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Yet you seem so sure of yourself. Maybe you have been programmed by some online propaganda.

>It eliminates racism
It don't. Whites are the least racist people on the planet.

>It creates a superior creature
This creatura have lost the high IQ of xer white parent, the self respect, the ability to be social.

>Mixed people are best looking
You literaly posted a turd. At least post some hot mixed women, it's the motherfucking minimum.

>Why are you so against it?
But I am all for massive immigration and interacial breeding in Israel.

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Racism is a code word for white.

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hybrid vigor. Nope. They have more mental problems most hybrids in plants are actually far worse off. It's only certain species that create good synergy.
Two, IT ONLY works for one generation. If you breed the hybrids together you get crap genes that suck worse than the original species. And most importantly the hybrid's children are nothing like the hybrid. But hybrid vigor only happens in plants because plants have more complex gene and chromosome sexing than mammals.

Also, by admitting to hybrid vigor. You are admitting to that blacks are the very least a different sub-speices. and that discrimination is both logical and natural. Since they have to be different in more than just skin color in-order to create hybrid vigor. In anything but skin color

>it eliminates racism
It doesn't. Racism is just a meme created by jews.

Are you really trying to justify genocide of a race while claiming the OTHER person is programmed by propaganda?

> (((scientifically proven)))

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this is what brownoids whose race is literally worthless want you to believe, because for them any mixture of their dead-end genes with anything else practically guarantees genetic improvement for their offspring.

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Show us your flag, Jew.

This is true for all non whites trying to racemix with us. Also here is a photo of a nigger giving birth in McDonald’s

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