Is she RIGHT?

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I know that's a popular opinion
And everybody likes to believe that

if you want more money get a better job

Considering they won't give it to you, yes. Just get another job that offers more money. The only moves today that are gainful are diagonal moves.

You know what else is 'cringeworthy' as a consequence of this reality? Expecting employee loyalty

based as fuck

Incisive post.

Imagine drinking aborted babies

If it's brown, flush it down

>asking instead of demanding

Is a woman ever right?

Does she think we should Pokemon go to the polls too or what?


Sayonara nigger.

You will be replaced with darker skin for that.

How dee Doo fellow kids.
Asking to unionize is like totes cringe amirite?

But like working uncompensated overtime is based and red pilled

i watched an episode of some cnbc show where they interviewed her because she is ceo of pepsi and it was bizarre how she was talking about the principles and values of Pepsico and what pepsico stood for and how they could make a difference in the world. and she said it with all sincerity, that she could see in her mind that her going to work and figuring out with thousands of people how to sell more sugary drink across the world made people's lives better. it is a weird class of people with a weird view of life and the world.

Of course she’s right, but you swallow your pride and do it anyway
These cunts won’t pay you extra, yet they constantly give each other raises and unions don’t do jack shit

She is right

It happens in so many corporations.
>We're totally making the world a better place by producing this plastic thing and/or poison food/drink! Did I also mention we're a family, fellow 10000 employees!

Those kind ofnlies are how we got Covid

If it's black double tap

Yeah she is right I just leave my current company if they aren't paying enough

>if you want more money get a better job

This. I have gotten a few raises in my life by applying for a better job. Then sit down with your boss and show them the better you got somewhere else. Let them know that if they can't beat that offer then you will be submitting your 2 week notice and quitting. If you are a good employee they will usually beat the offer. Back in 2019 they didn't try to beat the offer and I took the higher paying job somewhere else.


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The problem is that she's right, and no one else will hire you.

I have to work for my money.