Why do chuds act disappointed when they find out their dystopian fairy tales are fake...

Why do chuds act disappointed when they find out their dystopian fairy tales are fake? Is it because they're only meaning in life is to be an NPC tool of kikes?

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They're like children, they believe in anything their told to believe in.

They're only meaning in life is to be an NPC tool of kikes.

Joe Rogan is smarter than anyone who posts here.

It's not real, they are just trying to get us to fight amongst ourselves.

It's a meme, not real.

Lol lmao

Did you make $200,000,000 just from talking?

It takes some degree of IQ on his part to continually pretend to have forgotten settled facts from previous guests. Every 6 months he learns police brutality is a meme, weather underground was a thing, what central banks do and for the next 5 months carries on like BLM is necessary, Qanon people are terrorists and dumb, and wonders about inflationary pressures with his 3rd electric car or whatever. Rogan was actually cool 8 years ago, now every episode is derivative repetition, take gift from guest, offer cigar, talk about whiskey, nod along to everything the guest says who is also promoting a book, summarise what the guest said whether it needed it or not, tell them they're doing great, great work and then sign off.

Not interested in your opinion.
I've watched Rogan since 2005. He is a very smart guy.

what do you mean fake? the pandemic broke out on schedule exactly as it was foretold

Attached: TRINITY___NotTooHappy.jpg (551x661, 57.76K)

only retards like you are impressed by rogaine. take some more alphabrain or what ever kind of scam he was running on you dumb goyim lmao


gas yourself faggot

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You haven't accomplished even half the things he has. And you never, ever will.

Meanwhile the real story is .... that you cannot grow food in commiefornia. :D


>listening to any news rag on the left

Third row, third mugshot. No fucking way it is a real person, wth is wrong with his head?

That's mr mitosis bro

Just do DMT.


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It's been shopped but the real one isn't much better

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>Not interested in your opinion.
>I've watched Rogan since 2005. He is a very smart guy.

He's not that smart. He's just a big brain with a lot of time on his hands.

200 million dollar COPE.

No I have cringed watching that dumb fucker, of course I am top of the top 1% so that makes a difference but rogan is smarter than average fuck but a low B student, maybe high C

big brain ?
he's a dumb fucking rhoid shit
B or C student

>trust me news
>trust me government
>luv me comic books
simple as