You're all incels who have been groomed by this site. All of your worldviews and opinions are wrong...

you're all incels who have been groomed by this site. All of your worldviews and opinions are wrong, and you need to leave the basement, touch grass, and re-enter reality.

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Other urls found in this thread: Kampf, Dalton Translation Vol 1/page/43/mode/2up?view=theater,

Ok groomer

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I grew up in an environment that is very multicultural (South Florida) and I can sincerely say that living around niggers is terrible.

The groomer meme really set you fags off, must’ve hit home Kampf, Dalton Translation Vol 1/page/43/mode/2up?view=theater

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>All of your worldviews and opinions are wrong
I'm not sure I can disagree with this.

I went for a 20k walk today through the woods, and I got home, the numbers were still 13 and 52 as well as 109

>sees chud meme posted
>don't even read because I know it's cringe

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According to this study,, trans people kill themselves at a rate of 800 per 100,000, or 59x more than the general population.
It also found that men larping as women were more likely to kill themselves, but women larping as men were more likely to attempt suicide. A pattern which is found in the general population too. Hence, you arent a woman, and even in your eventual death, you will prove yourself to be a man.

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Easy to say for a low-test, low-iq pleb who was groomed by entertainment media suggestion, indoctrination in school, and social pressure from fellow plebs who never had the balls to step back and think critically and seek out truths objectively.

Oh putting it that way convinced me to embrace degeneracy and work tirelessly to end my nation, bloodline and culture ! Thank you, user.

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I'm married, we don't have basements here, and the only reason you should keep grass is to graze animals if you have them.
And I am right about everything.

>you're all incels who have been groomed by this site.

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>my website of 14-20 years and up of propaganda and echo chamber is better than your website of 20 year old men and up of propaganda and echo chamber
Get a new meme amber heard it’s not working

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You will never be a ball

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leaf shitposting intensifies

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ok groomer, your selfie spam still isn't a meme by the way.

I have a girlfriend, so you can't stop me.

I'm a virgin who is married to a virgin.

im a virgin
we should get together and not have a threesome