
What are you prepping for?

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What are you prepping for, glowsama?

Canning. Lots of gardening too.


I've been pretending to be civilized for so long that I just can't wait until everyone sees the real me, the me that's been training. The me that is ready. But maybe that person doesn't exist anywhere except in my heart.

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i'm prepping for the inevitable

Prepping for the collapse of civilization, which is the only way I can think of to escape this nightmare.

Do we have medical staff on call?

You will always be you, no matter how many layers of shit you bury yourself in.

Food shortages/praying for race war

No, we have no medical staff on call.

So what are you suppose to do about medical emergencies then?

what if there's a race war?

The collapse of the usd, and subsequently the rest of the federal government and most states.
And a possible invasion after said collapse.

Prepping for the collapse of civilization, which is the only way I can think of to escape this nightmare.


They're sliding this thread hard. I found a creepy site online. Bots and shills derailing thread. It's sliding hard as fuck right now.

I'm prepping for the collapse of civilization, which is the only way I can think of to escape this nightmare.

Don't need to prep when your own are fucking you over, glowie

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Imagine not knowing that economic collapse is mathematically inherent in the fractional reserve lending system.
>What fucking country do you actually live in?


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i have practically everything i need for multiple outcomes. i left the city and live in a rural mormon white community near a river with farms around the small town for miles and miles.

im going to shoot any east coast family members who try to come here for safety after running me out for being a heretic to their liberal dogmatic faggotry. they made their bed with the kikes, they can SLEEP in it.
(or, they can feed my livestock with their bones, makes no difference to me, im making white babies out here)

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