How long has Russia been saying "western collapse imminent"?

It was the entire plot of Brat 2 in 2000
So at least 22 years. I reckon it goes back to the Cold War?
>say west will collapse for decades
>collapse own country
Bit ironic

Attached: russia-collapse.jpg (2817x1659, 2.71M)

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if you think the US hasn't already collapsed you're on nigger tier mental levels

>Dude western civilization is over, any minute now
Did it begin when the USSR collapsed?
So they started projecting on the west

It's the Jews, man. It's always the Jews.

>if you think the US hasn't already collapsed you're on nigger tier mental levels

Empires (which make no mistake, the West is) take decades to collapse unless they lose a war or something like that.

Wishful thinking, but US rots from within' even if it's at its peak of power. Everything can happen, nobody knows. Maybe US will keep being the unipolar superpower for another cenutry. Maybe it will collapse in a year.

>it was the entire plot of Brat 2 in 2000
>So at least 22 years

I know that you are being sarcastic, but in the context of the movie, it was a prophecy about the collapse of the US.

If been looking through Russia and China's "propaganda" mechanisms and they've been mostly pushing muh BLM and muh LGBT shit here, which only helps Globohomo. If they were smart they'd put a magnifying glass on the anti-white/CRT/etc. shit and help stoke that flame. Fucking morons.

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I remember this. It was on a few times on MTV and was about how the west is falling apart and we're all gonna die.

If west was a empire, pajeets would be picking up shit and cleaning their own shit from the streets

>How long

since 1917 it was a part of the official commie narrative that inherent capitalist contradictions will bury the west and global revolution will fainally succeed
however I do believe that West will collapse because of demographic factors that are also affecting Russia and to a lesser exten my country

Is Russia "Chud" the country?
>Dude it's all gonna cooolapse!
Brat 2 is like a chud power fantasy

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imagine thinking in months and years while being mad at people who think in decades and centuries
you're failing, dipshit


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Already collapse, reality is catching up quick. "Suicide of the west" laid it out fully and it happened

>I know that you are being sarcastic, but in the context of the movie, it was a prophecy about the collapse of the US.
I haven't actually seen it but they've revitalized it for anti-west propaganda
here's the George Floyd edit kek

apparently theyre repurposing it for the war in ukraine too

It goes back even further
Khrushchev said "we will bury you" in the 60s

brat 2?

Brat 2 was a good movie.
But I'd say the end of the US is soon, that or ww3

western collapse imminent

great film. just watched it a few weeks ago.
nobody does gangster films like russia.

>nobody does gangster films like russia.
kek how many gangster films do you have?

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>since 1917 it was a part of the official commie narrative that inherent capitalist contradictions will bury the west and global revolution will fainally succeed
>In the 1950s, Khrushchev repeatedly boasted that the USSR would soon surpass the West in material well-being
>Other Soviet officials agreed that the USSR would soon show its superiority because capitalism was like a dead herring – shining as it rotted
what happened exactly? is this a lesson why you shouldn't compare yourself to others


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are we stuck in a loop?

Moscow Times is Globohomo propaganda though