If niggers are lactose intolerant, then does that mean niggerwomen can't breastfeed...

If niggers are lactose intolerant, then does that mean niggerwomen can't breastfeed? How did their race even managed to survive?

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lactose intolerance develops as an adult when you no longer need to suck on titties for food

I think this is why they are obsessed with chicken wings, have you ever seen one eat pizza?

All humans are lactose tolerant as children, and lose the ability due to no longer being breastfed.
White Europeans LOVED the shit out of cows and kept drinking cow milk anyway, and developed a weird genetic switch that makes childhood milk drinking ability last into adulthood.

Since white women also love fucking dogs, and many European early myths involve men who can turn into wolves and back again, I seriously wonder if white women back then weren't in fact fucking dogs and thinking their babies were wolf babies.

Cows and dogs, plus apples and horses, are the white man's legacy.
Chinese invented like pigs and chickens or something.

The Egyptians invented lettuce and I guess Kurds or Sumerians or Semites invented Cannabis, but whites loved that shit too and invented hops then beer much later.

Lacstose intolerance is not real they just want to take you off the meat supply chain and feed you wheat or corn. Which grows like crazy for free and they want to make more valuable. This is not rocket science here guys .

Modern Hindus sometimes still mix mead, milk and cannabis into an elixir of prophecy or something. Beer was this attempt to do that but they ran out of grass and used hops instead, but it turned out pretty good.

lactose intolerant doesn't mean you can't drink milk

Nigger please

Breast milk's not pasteurized so its not a problem

The pig is the most european of all animals, from cavemen to romans and all the way to the scythians and arriving at the britons boars have been revered as the warriors spirit animal ,hence the aversion to eating swine.

The Celts are very late invaders. Like, thousands of years after the pig was domesticated in China.

c вoзpacтoм.
нa paнних cтaдиях жизни вce ycвaивaют мoлoкo кaк нaдo.

The fossil record states something completely different.

Why are you typing in liberator?

>First, genetic sequences from modern European domestic pigs indicated that indigenous European wild boar were domesticated at some point in the past. Second, because Near Eastern genetic signals were absent from all modern European samples (save one feral pig from Corsica), Near Eastern domestic pigs were either never introduced into Europe, or, if they were, their progeny has all but disappeared.

at this point its like saying chickens are from south east asia despite them being present in tells in europe dating back over 10000 years.

True lactose intolerance is incredibly rare. Most people can drink raw milk no problem as it still has all the good bacteria and digestive enzymes.

Pasteurized milk is much harder to digest.


That's not the same thing. That's saying that pigs and humans have some common ancestors, which is true. It's not saying that the same people who domesticated pigs also domesticated humans.

Well have you seen a black order/buy pizza over waaaangz?

Not it's not you half wit you didn't read it .it's saying the Chinese domestication and introduction of pigs to Europe is false because European pigs are domesticated from European board.

Also I'll make it simple for you , the 2 of each animal Noah had on his ark were domesticated animals as Essene text indicated in the gospel of Thomas. The fact most domesticated animals come from the mount Ararat region isn't a coincidence.

No one is intolerant to non pasteurized milk. Yeap, google it

I regularly think about lactose intolerant Jewish women drinking milk and then having absolutely noxious farts.

does a black booba make chocky milkies?

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Yeah dude, you're confusing wild and domesticated pigs but whatever.
I guess we're worshipping pigs now. Go white people.
(It's irony, I know you're a coping Chink)


No, it says European boar DNA is present in modern domesticated pigs. It just means domesticated pigs fucked locals at some point.

I read a study that said women have nastier farts because their bodies are so full of weird fucking chemicals.
Then again, I've never had a girl willing to fart in front of me.
My farts smell good as fuck, like eggs and beef.

God damn Russia, you dumb as hell

Ha пoздних тoжe вce ycвaивaeтcя, ecли ты вcю жизнь yмepeннo yпoтpeбляeшь киcлoмoлoчнoe. Или нe выpoждeнeц c жидo гeнaми, paзyмeeтcя.

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No you're right.
I guess we're all going to eat dogs now.

Lactose intolerant just means you can’t drink the pasteurized shit mutts guzzle down.

Actually whites can also lose their lactose tolerance and be as bad as a black guy if you stop drinking milk. And inversely, a black person can increase their lactose tolerance by continuing to consume milk.
It's kind of like fat cells, in that there's a bunch that get determined when you're born/developing, and then there's the ones you can influence even as an adult, however you lose the adaptation as quickly as it comes.